For me..NOT Huckabee!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Hard as it is for me, an apologist for Christian Conservatives, I'm gonna call "fake" on our 'Man from Hope'.

    What we have here, is all the worst of Jimmy Carter and Bill-ary Clinton.

    The man when left to his own judgement makes the WRONG decisions, despite personal and ethical entrities to let justice take it's own course.

    I'm not even going to address the 'Increased Arkansas taxes' and the commercial that has him being fine with any sort of tax increase set before him. That's a red herring as the context was that the state needed to do something. What he was saying there was he would consider anything sent to him, not that he would accept them all.

    I have been watching the conservative commentary for quite a while and I have to say it's pretty illuminating: ... 019253.php

    The Dumond file -- what more did Huckabee need to know?

    The Huffington Post has released additional documents from ...

    Theology degree .. or not? ... 019282.php

    pardons and clemencies
    - - - - - - - -

    Foreign Policy:
    - Cuba short-sight ... 019245.php

    - 'Carteresque Views' ... 019244.php

    Fiscal and governance
    -They know a Carter clone when they see one!
    -Sorry, that doesnt bother me... Funny that my church was in the moderate wing but there were no sermons preached on lobbying government for more entitlements.

    - Sure they do..
    - And WHICH system actually reduced Carbon emission trends? NOT the Cap and Trade countries
    - And I call 'Bullshit' on the 'innovative' part.

    Clemency for sale

    See the christmas picture.. cross no accident.

    dems hold fire

    But let's not nation-build.. ... d_huckabee
    - Bullllllllll. Talk triangulation!

    NY Times {a relatively neutral article} ... ref=slogin
    Obviously Mike Huckabee suffers from two misperceptions... like the Democratic Party and a goodly portion of comfily elected republicans, he think the majority of the electorate is stupid. And he confuses 'canny' with intelligence and thinks he's smarter than we are.

    But by the time Super Tuesday is over... even most Christian bloc voters will wise up and realize that either Mitt or Fred Thompson shares their values the most. Or they'll go for electable is Rudy starts regaining his feet.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I can't believe that you think that Thompson and Rudy are more substantial than Huckabee.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    While I lean toward those with executive experience, what the country needs is just a little more complicated than what Arkansas needs!

    What the hell do you want!
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    seems to me like the last governor of Arkansas to inhabit the White House managed to balance the budget, reduce the deficit, and somehow contrived NOT to involve us in an elective war that will bleed us dry for generations.

    And no, you didn't explain how Rudy and Fred have any substance at all, never mind more than Mike Huckabee.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    meme, aside...

    Substance in this case amounts to not comtradicting yourself in the same speech, for a starter.

    Or... sounds suspiciously like Jimmy Carter.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You think Huckabee would say that?

    As opposed to...
  7. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    The New York Times ran a in-depth look at Huckabee's governorship the other day....


    The backlash was inevitable once he hit the top. I saw even Witch Coulter on TV coming down on him, calling him "a snake oil salesmen"(but she's supporting the ultimate whore Romney, what gives!). His tendency to not tow the conservative line on every issue will indeed present problems for him in the future.

    He is the best orator in the field, either party, but is a faker in some respects and hasn't shown anything with regard to foreign policy. His strength's are issues that aren't my priority. Far from my first choice.
  8. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    He is running on a false record as governer...

    My biggest problem with him, aside from the daily Jesus lesson, which is abhorent. I've read about his moral decisions when granting clemency to some people and pardons to others... He is pro life but pro death penalty also... he's interferred with investigtions into crimes committed by his own family. He's flopped on immigration, and flipped on tax increases.

    Fred just sits there using catchy southern phrases that make zero sense to me. Petty has a point, but instead of pointing out how they are ALL pretty bad choices, he seems to be favoring Huck right now. Glad you are making a choice or at least considering one.

    This guy is a media puppet... his poll numbers aren't supported by any $$$ at all, yet he gets the most possitive coverage of any candidate on the GOP side...

    His foreign policy of HONOR is bullshit and evasive.
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