The Myth of the Latin American Player

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by FFCinPCB, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. BarryP

    BarryP New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Evansville, Indiana
    Don unless I missed something I don't recall reading anywhere in the article or this thread where anyone said we had to have Latin players to appeal to Latin fans.

    However, there is a reason Fulham appeals to so many Americans and it has to do with a sense of familiarity. If you can bring something to your team that potential fans can identify with then you have a better chance of attracting that person to your team and it does not matter what the color of your skin is. In fact, I would call it much closer to nationalism than racism if you need to pigeon hole it. I personally would call it good business as long as it does not detract from the product you put on the field.

    On the other hand if a player like, oh just for the sake of arguement, Beckham puts fans in the stands but the team continually plays poorly eventually the novalty will wear off and fans will lose interest.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Clarity: I didn't say that any of us made the Latin players-Latin fans connection. If anyone thought I was throwing stones at them, then please forgive me.

    I do believe that this is the point of view of a lot of the MLS powers that be. The point that 'fog and I were making is that name players do bring people into the park, but good football keeps them there. I think that there's just as many Latino football fans that would plunk down the buck or two to see Beckham play as there were Anglo fans who, in the 70s, happily plunked down bucks to see Pele play.

    My point is that the LEAGUE and, to a lesser degree the USSF, makes too many of its marketing decisions on the belief that Latinos will only root for Latinos. That's why we've seen the Mexican national team playing in Houston and exhibitions between Mexican league teams played in San Antonio, but no interest in getting any kind of US national team playing here [in SA]. If the only soccer that gets scheduled here features Mexican clubs and they get good attendance, it reinforces their presuppositions and convinces them even more that there's no Anglo audience.

    As far as the Fulham-American connection, certainly it's there. But I wear Volzy's number on my back this year instead of Brian, and I think a lot of us who came to the team because of the Americans have branched out to embrace the others and, if they're wearing the "wrong" shirt on the day, to root heavily AGAINST other Americans on the pitch.

    Anyhow, clarification over.
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