Spitzer cries about not getting away with it.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    Of course he complains that there's no national remedy in process. And blames 'partisan' politics '

    Oh... WHO did that? What I read was that half the 9/11 terrorists had illegal drivers licenses. No one said they were hispanic.
    Can someone tell me how issuing drivers licenses to illegals ENHANCES national security?

    Can someone explain how hispanics having licenses makes the road safer?
    - insurance? Sure.... !

    Can you explain just HOW that partisanship 'stifled debate'... when Spitzer and cronies cooked this up in secret? If he REALLY wanted debate, why did he do that?

    What Spitzer is really pissed about, of course, is that his expansion of Democratic voter base for his NEXT election isnt going to happen.

    Oh... and if he thinks the 'public' doesnt understand the nuances, I think this shows they do.

    More than eight out of 10 people surveyed by Quinnipiac University favor stronger penalties for illegal immigrants.

    Since roughly HALF of Ohio voters are either Democrats or Independents, I think the message is clear. We'll add 20% to the 'compassionate' side for NY... which would STILL mean 60% wouldnt be in favor!
  2. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    I agree, I had no idea where he was going with this. Unless it was some brilliant way to bait them into coming out of the shadows and deporting them all.

    I've had a hard time understanding why this seems like a good idea to Democrats any of them!? Believe it or not we have a huge problem here in NY, I got hit (car accident) by a hispanic immigrant who spoke no english, had to call his brother, who wanted me to say it was him driving because his brother is here illegally. Obviously uninsured. I told him to kiss my ass, and said (citing small damages to the car) "I must have hit the curb... OR we can call the police."

    I wouldnt care that the are here in number if they weren't driving up my damn taxes so much...

    Funny story, DOHS has a task force... ICE, some immigration task force. They were assigned to my Federal Building to hand out tickets for past due inspections to Treasury employees.

    I have a question.

    At this point, do you think its a terrible idea to end birthright citizenship?
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Second: End 'place of birth' citizenship YESTERDAY!

    First: the INITIAL plan was to issue illegals a standard DL. Which is all you need to register for the vote. Yes, you have to sign an affidavit saying you are a citizen.. but GET REAL!
    He had no plans to deport ANYONE!
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    There were three viable reasons for this, once the hatred gets out of the way:

    1. It's a way to keep track of illegals. Most of these folks don't commit any crimes [they don't want to be deported] and putting in a false address is a crime.

    2. It's a way to ensure automobile insurance for undocumented drivers. One reason why our insurance rates are so high down here [relatively] is because of the huge amount of uninsured drivers.

    3. It's a significant source of income for the state. Before the Mexican haters in CA pressured the Gov into shutting down his program, the state government estimated betweet 4 and 6 Million bucks in state revenue resulting.

    And 'fog, I'm not sure why you quoted the college survey in this thread, but I'm not unduly shocked to discover that there are anti-immigrant nativists in Ohio. Most people want to take all rights and legal protections against THE OTHER. I'm sure that an even higher number of Little Americans would be in favor of taking away the same thing from American citizens who are Muslims.

    Don't make it right. Don't make it justice. Don't make it American.
  5. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Were we to seal the boarder I'd be fully in favor of Spitzer's plan. Everyone who's here already, give'em the drivers license. But then again my position is amnesty, which seems to put me in line with Bin Ladin, the devil, and Russ Finegold :shock: I mean what could be worse! We all know amnesty is a never do no-no, unless it involves like say a no-bid private contractor in Iraq. In that case its totally cool 8)
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    How easily is the term 'hate' thrown around by the righteous, all the while...

    Spencer hit on 'the thing'. We've done this bit before, I think most americans would support a significant amnesty program if the borders were secure enough to avoid a rush to benefits.
    Note that a 'fence' by itself wont work. As long as there's no penalty for coming across illegally it's going to continue. SOMETIMES we need to do the same thing other countries do.

    Meanwhile... Spitzer only took one day to take back plans to collect NY sales tax on Internet purchases. Which, like the DL, he was trying to push through without building or testing for concensus.

    Added: On further pondering, I'm sure Don's response is in the vein of "Hate the Sin, not the Sinner." Which I think is the motivator of the poll responses.
  7. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I think most Americans would support an amnesty program were the politicians to talk about it reasonably and were the voter to think about it reasonably. However we get this bullshit law breakers, criminal rhetoric tossed around and it throws it all off.

    In the rural town of 20,000 in southern Minnesota which I used to live in and primarily grew up in the local paper was always flooded with letters to the editors on the issue. The constant talking point used over and over was;
    a)pretty soon no one in this country is going to speak English
    b)were turning into a 3rd world country

    These points were made over and over regardless of the fact that both the Hispanic and Somalian populations in the town continue to integrate amazingly well. The town had gone through some economic hardship but that was due to the outsourcing of well paying factory jobs. Immigrants had absolutely nothing to do with it. But perception is really all that matters, and that strong rhetoric got people fired up! Its a nice town with nice people but for many their emotions get the better of them. If theres a black person walking out of the gas station behind them they won't speak to them, look them in the eye, or hold the door for them as they would for anyone else. Now as time wears on people get over it and these problems go away but whether its stated or not the simple deciding factor for many people is fear. Thats an undeniable truth in this matter. And its preventing a reasonable solution.

    Seal the boarder, a road to citizenship for everyone already here, reform the immigration process. But at this rate it ain't gonna happen.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    It's "the other" at work, Spencer. Fanatics always find a fertile recruiting ground by singling out a race or religion or color as "the other" that's taking away your jobs or your quality of life or threatening your women or hijacking your Norman Rockwell America. The Mexicans have suffered from that label in the southwest for 150+ years. The fear-mongering and pandering about them is much more virulent in the northern suburbs, though, as the right-wingers look for another "great disaster waiting to happen that only the Republicans can save you from."

    As long as there's young folks like you who keep their eyes open and question EVERYTHING, I still have faith that we'll get past this round as well.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Don... it amazes me that you NEVER fail to project your GOP hate into every response... WTF IS THAT?

    Spencer had a perfectly reasonable post. There IS NO freakin fear and loathing, no riots, no pitched battles in the barrios or the streets of Anytown USA.

    But ANYTHING questioning the enablement of lawbreaking... and that is exactly what illegal immigration IS and what the Amnesty Bill promoted, is 'HATE!'

    Like I said, would you advocate we treat illegal border crossing exactly as the Mexicans do?
  10. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I didn't deduce anything from Spencer's post, other than he makes a lot of sense -- as usual. I don't hate the GOP. I don't really hate anybody -- it's too much effort and it's kinda childish -- although I'm not really all that fond of Frank Lampard.

    As for what I would advocate? I line up with the president on this issue. After all, to do otherwise would harm the troops and embolden the terrorists [don'tchaknow].
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    'fog, why must you hate our president so? This is a national security issue -- as you've said yourself many times. Isn't disagreeing with the president about national security some sort of crime?
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