GOP debate

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Under the weather but I saw part of it. Rudy's still doing NY anecdotes.

    Fred did okay, slapped Matthews back when he got snarky. There were several other witticism/barbs.

    Who do I think won? Well I thought Huckaby won the debate... but what do I know...
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    It appears obvious to me: Ron Paul is the overwhelming favorite as the Republican frontrunner, and twice as many people know who John McCain is than Tom Tancredo.

    What a laugh these instapolls are. Feel better, fellow muppet
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Here was something I missed, Chris Matthews evidently thinks Thompson is some actor moonlighting as an amateur politico.

    Out of the blue.. not in context of the moderation..He asked Fred: 'Who is the prime minister of Canada?"

    Fortunately Fred wasnt as thrown off by the question as anyone else on there might have been {wonder what Ron Paul would have said?} He answered "Harper." within a second.

    And, by the way, there was SOMEONE, dont remember which.. may have been Huckabee or Tancredo came down HARD on agrobiz subsidies as taking food out of the mouths of the third world to burn as fuel.

    Believe me, that is going to be a HUGE issue going forward... or after Iowa, I guess.
  4. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Re: RE: GOP debate

    I read that this morning. Its good to know that Thompson does indeed know who Stephen Harper is. I would bet that at least half the guys on the stage would have stumbled on that one.
  5. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    RE: Re: RE: GOP debate

    Gee... I wonder if you asked him? My guess is that he would have gotten it right. He's been an advocate of national sovereignty for his whole political career and has been keeping a close eye, as well as writing papers, and addressing the topic of NAFTA and CAFTA and the corresponding superhighway.

    He's actually a memeber of The Coalition to Block the North American Union which is made up of a few hundred U.S. leaders including himself, other U.S. officials, and a few leaders of other such coalitions.

    There are plenty of people on that list... so plenty you can throw rocks at I'm sure.

    The point is RP is far more knowledgable than most of those candidates a few of who don't think the push for the NAU exists.

    The only Republicans who dont like RP, it seems, are the NeoCons and the Mainstream media. Both of whom have proved their lack of politcal prowess and more interested in influencing the election through propoganda.

    Just my two cents. I have to ask Don... why RP? Why doesnt it seem obvious that Rudy McRomney is #1?


    If you don't believe the NAU exists or will exist. Check out the recent interviews with former President of Mexico Vincente Fox on Larry King or on the Daily show...

    If you don't believe the super highway exists or will exist, ask a Texan.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: GOP debate

    The POINT is, smokin.... that IS NOT necessarily a 'dig at Ron Paul'

    THAT IS A DIG at loonie-tooners who think they can get credibility for RP by saturating the Internet, especially by flooding Internet polling.

    Sure he's got SOME of the right ideas... but just to pick one: I hear that he advocates the US go back to the Gold Standard {Dollar value pegged to gold}.

    Please explain how that would work.

    MY beef about RP, however, is that he's an isolationist, almost to the point of being jingoistic on it.
    I understand NAFTA concerns... I think CAFTA was a dumb idea considering how NAFTA turned out. I am against the Highway and Mexican Freight haulers without US DL and DOT truck cert.

    Paul essentially wants us to pull back to pre-teddy roosevelt days and say to hell with everyone else.

    Yes or No?

    As to the NAU, I'd rather the Reconquista's got their way. Let's see how long it takes for Mexico to turn the southwest into the same squalid armpit all the rest tried to get out of.
  7. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    RE: Re: RE: GOP debate

    Yes, he does want to reintroduce the Gold Standard, but as a competitive currency not as the ONLY currency. This was the status quo from the inception of the FIAT monies (greenback), til the 1970's when gold and silver certificates were taken off the markets.

    The idea here is that Americans need a choice free from corporate hands in what the worth of their money is... the Federal Reserve (just as Federal as Federal Express) has no right to control the value of American currency... this is an old school republican value. No Central bank...

    He is not an isolationist, he is a non interventionist. Trade and talk with all nations, but do dont meddle in their domestic affairs... thats a non interventionist, much different.

    [the quote isn't working for me today, so...]

    "... and say to hell with everyone else."

    This is taken over the top a bit. I assure you if you've seen his interviews or if the debates would give him more than 4 minutes of talk time, you'd understand that. The policy we have cannot continue at the proposed or current rate. See the Comptroller General for some quotes or a full analysis. He's scared as hell, and more scared that no one cares.

    I have in mind that when president, none of these guys, unless clearly following the path of the bushies, is going to do much while in office. Especially a Demo Congress. RP's ideas tho, seem to go enough against the grain, that it can stop the slipperly slope we call the failing dollar.
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