Iran attack planned.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. jaxcottager

    jaxcottager New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    Jacksonville, Florida
    I respect your service, I was suggesting that it might be enlightening for the debate to actually speak with some folks have had exeriences that you and I may have shared, not simply regurgitate what the polititions say. Obviously, expressed it wrong.
    Now, agreed, back to football.
  2. Lyle

    Lyle New Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    Unfortunately we, the US, have to make choices that result in killing, mutilation, and destruction. I haven't argued that we don't do bad things, we do. War kills, mutilates, and destroys. However, sometimes to stop injustices or catastrophes you must fight wars.

    Once upon a time there were Germans in France and the only way to get the Germans out of France was to kill, mutilate, and capture as many as possible so that they would be compelled to leave. It was horrible, but it had to happen.

    The United States of America supported Saddam Hussein during the 1980's. The Reagan administration gave Saddam Hussein intelligence, helicopters, and biological weapons with which to fight Iran. He used this stuff to not only to kill Iranians, but to kill his own people. After the First Gulf War we told the Iraqis we would support them if they revolted against Saddam. They revolted, but we didn't help them. Saddam then killed these people or put them in prison and tortured them. So, by my math, the US screwed the Iraqi people twice. So I think we were morally obligated to make right our wrongs against these people. This was the only reason I supported/support the War.

    Look Spencer, I haven't once written that you cannot criticize your country. I have only argued that it is obscene to compare Saddam's invasion of Kuwait to our invasion of Iraq... which it is, because they are not at all similar.
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