RIP Hilly Krystal

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by RDG, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    County Blue Grass Blues & Other Music For Uplifting Gourmandizers
    (in case anyone didn't know what the name of the rock club CBGB & OMFUG stood for).

    Hilly owned the club that started the careers of such bands as The Ramones, The Talking Heads, Blondie and Television. Prices were always kept low, t-shirt sales were (and still are) brisk, and the bathrooms were so filthy they were legendary. Fortunately, Hilly's initial hope of a club showcasing bands playing C&W, etc. did not come to pass, but he did keep his rule of having bands play their own music. No cover/tribute bands.

    Personally, I loved the place and going back years later (after having "grown up") made me appreciate it all the more.

    RIP Hilly

  2. terrinh73

    terrinh73 Member

    Feb 10, 2007
    Wow...Tony Wilson and Hilly Krystal in the same month. Everything seems to have gone eerily quiet :(.

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