
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spencer, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    well, I did see Bowling for Columbine.. and Roger and Me. And he is a good documentary filmmaker.
    The fact that he ALWAYS twists facts and sometimes just makes them up.. doesnt bother you I take it.

    Here's the point, if Moore gets seriously ill, where is he going to go to be treated?

    It seems he has TWO choices: Cuba or the US.
    Do you think the average Cuban has the option to go to the clinics and hospitals he showed? Do you bother to go beyond visceral propaganda?

    Do you know who Leni Riefenstahl is? Michael Moore wants to be George Soros' Riefenstahl.
    The fact that Socialists LOVE Riefenstahl's work tells me all I need to know.

    You can call me an OLD FART if you want... and you can base your politics on touchy feely propaganda that wont hold up in debate but someday you are going to get what you deserve for it. Then it will be too late.

    I try to be 'christian' in outlook, but seriously I'm gonna have some 'splaining to do before the Lord for my smugness when lefties get what they deserve.
  3. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    not too sure about that. last fall i was in copenhagen (socialist utopia!) and when a friend got mono the doctors stalled for weeks simply telling him "just believe that you'll get better, and you will." i'm not kidding. he finally did get treatment, but only after all the bureaucratic paperwork went through.

    but spencer you raise a point that everyone seems to miss: we have the best healthcare for those who can afford it. everyone with money comes here for treatment and surgery. heck, even our own Jimmy Bullard came here. we have the best doctors and hospitals for those with the money, but we need to do something for those without.

    i wont see this movie simply because moore has handled all criticism in a completely classless manner. his appearance on wolf blizter was appalling, as was his debate with dr gupta on larry king. heck, he even went after npr when they interviewed him. this may seem petty, but i cant support that.

    and will people stop calling his work "documentaries." they're agitprop and/or infotainment.

    ken burns makes documentaries.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    This is exactly the point I raised in the BS link... the intellectual icon of the lefties, Noam Chomsky, will never enter into debate with a Conservative.

    He has many excuses for it, read between the lines, "He is too pure". However, his training is as a Semanticist', which means expert in the use of wording in communication.

    Which should give most a clue. And why I say he is the equivalent of 'Chance Gardiner' in "Being There"
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Here's the Bottom line, guys... how do you make sure that there are doctors and nurses to treat patients?

    And have you noticed that many physicians are giving up their practices? Do you know.. or care.. why that is happening?

    Bureaucracy!!!!!!!! Private or Public, what difference where the bureaucracy exists? How would it be better under a socialist scheme?

    My physician is quitting to either go into corporate {private} medicine or to teach.. she is only 40 and in a small town.

    And you MIGHT want to look up John Edwards' background as to another reason.... guess what lucrative profession will get hit if the PURE Government backed single payer scheme gets in... and what are the chances of that actually happening?

    About as high as a simple tax scheme like 'Fair Tax'
  6. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    crew type? i dont get it.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    TimmyG, the reference is to the link in my first response. Which is mainly about Michael Moore.

    Spencer, there's no doubt that the Health Care System is 'broke'. The questions yet to be resolved and rhetoric aside, it's debatable, is how 'broke' is it.
    And the TRUTH is, it's broke everywhere.

    But the Truth is ALSO that health care for the poor is better than it's ever been, including here.

    But when someone complains that they wont go into a hospital emergency room anymore because the wait is so long and because of the overcrowding, that is probably the case anywhere. And shows that the poor are not bereft of ANY medical attention.

    Here's a thought: Why do you think pharmaceuticals are so expensive in the US compared to the rest of the world, esp where there's gov. price controls?
    - US buyers are subsidizing the profit incentive for drug development.

    But at the core of this thread, it all goes back to politics.. everything does.

    If the US had lifted the stupid sanctions and embargoes against Cuba 15 years ago this movie would never have been made. They are Castro's last hold on the Cuban people and removal of that rallying point would erase the last excuse for them allowing him to retain power.
  8. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    I can't watch or read anything he does simply because, as stated, he twists the facts and sometimes just makes things up. Why would you waste your time or money to listen to rubbish?

    About this film, I saw a quick clip of him on Letterman or Leno or something (it's on youtube) and he said of the 25 richest countries, USA is the only one that does not offer universal health care. Simply put, that is a blatant lie.

    About health care, universal health care comes with a price, with the baby-boomers getting older, health care will surely bankrupt Canada, for example. And also, the service tends to be terrible. I recall going with my girlfiend one evening to the biggest hospital in Eastern Canada. There were no other patients there at the time, and very few came in after us, and we waited eight hours. It is basically at the point that unless you're going to die, you don't bother to go.

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