Serious Business

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spencer, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    London is, sadly, very familiar with this sort of thing. In another long-term conflict also attached to religion, London suffered multiple IRA bombings and derailed even more of them through the 1990s. That conflict seems to be moving into a period of mutual restraint; let's hope this one does too -- although it hardly seems likely at this point.

    Living in the States, I miss the Queen's official statements after incidents lke these. It's so great to see her calmly stating that neither the British Government nor the British People will be intimidated by thugs. A very ladylike and statesmanlike way of saying "yeah ... and the horse you rode in on, buddy!"
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yeah, the first thing I thought of was that it must be the IRA.. then when I read that it was probably "International Elements", I reckoned Basque Separatists going after Spanish tourists.

    Here's a thought.... how about we start arresting those who are standing in a pulpit promoting this activity? Or are the various governments going to wait and leave it up to vigilante groups sneaking up behind people and putting bullets through their heads.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Here's another thought ... how 'bout we get BACK to the war on terrorism?
  5. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Hey, what ever happened to finding Bin Laden?
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    1. Bin Laden is dead.. or good as..
    2. He is now irrelevant
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I just have to laugh out loud every time I hear somebody say this.
  8. AmericanBob

    AmericanBob New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Shirley NY
    Re: RE: Serious Business

    Whatever made you think they really looked for him at all? Think about it, with all the survallence satelites up in orbit, hell they could pick out terrorists at a training camp, by name from 115 miles up. I will ask another question, over the past 40 years how many of these a'holes have they caught and legally brought to trial? How about a body count, hell even the leader of the insurgents in Iraq goes on the TV and makes acuasations and threats, Last I heard he was still breathing ...and killing.
    PS I spent 25 years in the weapons business, (we called it Defense)
  9. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    RE: Re: RE: Serious Business

    I have read and seen on the news that time to time terrorist activities occur in London. It does make me a bit nervous thinking something like that could happen, but honestly I rarely think about those incidents occuring.

    Good thing the police officer spotted the vehicle...saved a lot of lives.

    Hopefully the governments won't attempt to stir up public fear or use scare tactics as they have in the past...
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Serious Business

    What saved the lives, it turns out, is that he saw a cellphone and disconnected the wires leading to it before the bomb squad got there... I dunno if the thing rang afterward or not
  11. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    RE: Re: RE: Serious Business

    Last time people blamed al-Qaeda for bombs in England, it turned out to be a bunch of angry motorists...
  12. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Serious Business

    Not entierly sure about that, last time someone let off bombs in London a lot of people died and motorists were not responsible. There has been no release yet on who planted the bombs yet.

    The IRA were different, they wanted to bring terror, death was a byproduct. The IRA warned before bombing giving time to evacuate and watch the ensuing chaos. I am not supporting the IRA, I have been involved in several building evacuations and had to visit the Doclands in the aftermath of the big bomb their. (The way they behaved on the mainland was very different to how they went about their business in Ireland).
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Not all their bombings included warnings. I spent a lot of time in London in the early 90s and can remember two or three occasions when our return home was delayed due to "surprise" bombings. There were also several occasions when bobbies or firemen "happened" on a device that had been planted. Actually, of course, this was just good intelligence, but the leaders of the British government didn't have a driving need to be seen as tough and smart, so they protected their sources and made it look like the IRA was blundering and the good guys were lucky.

    and then there was the time that Clint Eastwood saved HatterMom and me. We were going to a play in the evening, and were walking towards Covent Garden to have lunch -- it was a gorgeous day and we were going to sit out in the garden of a pub we liked to frequent. Anyhow, we walked past a movie theater that was showing "Unforgiven." It had just opened, so -- very uncharacteristically for me -- I decided to pass up a pint or two and we saw the movie. Just as the previews ended, we heard the sounds of sirens going past. Punchline: The pub we were heading towards was bombed with several casualties. The bomb went off just about the moment we would have gotten there.

    It's easy to think that your own homegrown terrorists are easier to live with. Over here, we like to ignore ours as much as possible -- witness the fact that we've never seriously paid attention to our anthrax mailer once we figured out he wasn't Al Qaida. But terror is aptly named whether it's IRA, Beider-Mannhof, Algerian seperatists, Al Qaida, the KKK, or Christian Identity. They all believe they have God and justice on their side, and their victims are really victims of whoever they believe has put them and their own in peril.
  14. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    Firstly - thankyou Clint.

    Secondly, a quick point....The IRA are not homegrown, they are not seen by themselves or by others as being British, they are Irish. The four that bombed the underground & busses in July 05 were home grown terrorists, its easier to think of them as radical forigners, but they were not.

    Their terror is more scary than the IRA - not all bombs came with warnings, but most did and there was a lot of good intel too, but we have that with the modern lot - the difference is that the IRA were not out to maximise the loss of life and they were not interested in becoming martyrs, it is much easier to catch or prevent someone who wants to get away thant someone who does not care.

    All things considered the IRA did not stop me going about my business and the new lot wont either. "Que Sera".
  15. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Clint Eastwood thank you for your brilliance on the silver screen and saving the lives of Hattermom and Don.
  16. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    No one remembers back a couple months ago when there were letter bombs sent across England, mainly to car insurance companies and DMVs?
  17. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
  18. GaryBarnettFanClub

    GaryBarnettFanClub New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
    Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey
    Entierly forgot about them. I suppose because they were targeting gov buildings in Cardiff (not much of an excuse I know).
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