Bend over... here they come again with the Amnesty bill..

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Dubya, Reid, Kennedy and various asst'd RINO's are not giving up on conferring immediate amnesty and legal status on 12 to 20 million lawbreakers... and recruiting a million more who are still south of the border.

    This time it's likely to pass but congress seemingly has NO idea what harm they are doing to the political system, which wasnt too healthy to start with but, combined with attempted hiding of pork money, has much of the public ready to give up because their elected are not listening to them.

    Washington thinks we are stupid, they dont think THEY have to exhibit any sort of discipline and many of us are disgusted with them.
  2. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Re: Bend over... here they come again with the Amnesty bill.

    Whats your ideal solution fog?

    The only anti-immigration argument I have sympathies for is that of wage pressure. Wages are due to go up in the future, and they really need to if health insurance, college, home ownership, ect. is to remain in reach. Obviously 12-20 million new people and the next generation will greatly upset that and keep wages stagnant.

    The other arguments I see as the same old reactionary crap that come with any immigration wave or integration. And this "law breakers" label is junk retoric. Yes they came here and the law says they're not allowed to, but are people who bandie this term around incapable of looking at it from their side of things? They've got kids to feed, dreams they wish to full fill and they can't do it so long as there in Mexico. There are people in this country who are willing to pay them providing they can get their butt over the boarder and work hard. From their perspective its only logical, I can hardly classify this as a criminal act. If roles were reversed we'd surely be doing exactly the same thing.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: Bend over... here they come again with the Amnesty b

    Spencer, while there's a lot of good points to make about enforcement and reform from all angles of the spectrum, the pressure to penalize and the pressure to avoid any semblence of "amnesty" comes from the fact that Mexican-Americans now have a large presence in many northern and midwestern cities now, and the fear that many Republican core voters have over their "otherness" is something that the party wants to exploit during the next couple of elections. This political appeal to nativism and fear is really working -- witness many of the comments of why Iowa voters still tend to look to the Republicans as their hope. There were several variations of the theme of, "I've been shopping here for more than 40 years, but I won't shop here any more because I don't feel like it's America what with the Mexican music and the Spanish language." It's sad, but we're still pretty much a nation of bigots here.

    It's interesting that the group of people who want the federal government to "punish the lawbreakers" in this instance are the same group who reacted violently when the previous administration wanted to "punish the lawbreakers" who were cheating on their tax returns. Some even threatened to answer a move towards stricter enforcement of tax laws with a threat to legislate the IRS out of existence. It all depends on who your core constituency is, and if they're people who like avoiding taxes but don't like Mexicans ... .
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: Bend over... here they come again with the Amnesty b

    Summary of Don's argument:

    "Pay no attention to those pols behind the curtain"

    There IS a problem. But it would be better to do nothing at all than to pass this bill WITHOUT closing our borders first.

    Don again points to racism and bigotry... the last bastion of the lib when he cant think of anything else to say about the obvious.
    Don wont respond to the fact that this was supposed to have been solved in the 89's and nothing was doone. Don thinks it's just fine for anyone who wants to comeinto this fascist hellhole of Amerika anytime he wants.

    Tell me THIS Don, what did AmeriKa do wrong to cause this problem?

    Either put up or shut up and stop insulting me with your lame diversory veiled charges of racism.

    YOU are the F$$$$king bigot, why dont you think about it.!!!!... I wonder if you realize that Dubya wants this to pass exactly for the same basic reason you do.

    How's THAT set with ya, bunky?
    keep asking you to.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: Bend over... here they come again with the Amnesty b

    okay, first, I wasn't calling you a bigot, although it's obvious that you're now calling me one. But let's, once again, try to keep the emotion out of the argument.

    I think that the first law was seriously flawed and there was much in it that I didn't like. For that reason I didn't shed a tear when it was abandoned. Similarly, I won't shed a tear when this one goes the way of all flesh.

    I won't ask you to accept that appealing to the nativism of northern city and suburban voters is a mighty force behind the anti-Mexican bill. It's called a point of view, not an attack.

    I will instead bow to the impeccable logic you expressed in the previous post, that President Bush and I both think "it's just fine for anyone who wants to comeinto this fascist hellhole of Amerika anytime he wants." And that it is this very reason that has caused the president to support the bill -- which, by the way, I still don't support.

    So, given that the president and several other members of Congress, according to your last post, contrived to weaken the defenses of the nation [I guess because they're really really really bad people], I guess THAT sets with me just fine.

    Thoughtfully and meticulously argued, 'fog. I take my hat off to you.
  6. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Indeed Don, some people are just scared. Not all who take the staunch anti-immigration stance are, but is undeniable that many perhaps most are. A different culture, a different skin tone, a different language, different music, different food, it all causes some to just freeze.

    Its my impression that the country NEEDS immigrants if its to remain what it is. America is all about ambition and improving your own lot but it seems most Americans, particularly in the Midwest are content with what they've got. There not pushing for anything, they coast through school, they coast into a job, do just enough to maintain status-quo and little more. The ambition is not there. Its the Asians, the Africans, the Hispanics who at least in my view are putting it all out on the line to start businesses, get great grades, be something beyond normal. That may sound like sentimental garbage but with out its immigrants America is a very stagnant, stubborn and flavorless country at the moment.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I AM a bigot! that is not the point, everyone who is human has some sort of bigotted view. Anyone says they dont is a fool or a liar.

    But that is not the same as defacto racism. And it IS NOT a question of immigration!!!!!!

    Maybe some of you need to read up.
    Here's the points:

    INS or whatever they call it now, has 24 hours to approve or not approve the special visa. Note it will take the cooperation of Mexico to do that! Think they will?Now look how long it takes to come in legally and get a green card!

    LOOK at how long, if EVER, it takes to find and kick out someone who has overstayed their visa?

    Hillary and several others have claimed that it NOT amnesty. They are either lying or stupid or think we are... maybe all three. It confers IMMEDIATE LEGAL STATUS, PERIOD!!!

    No fines, no jail, nothing!

    Just walk up to some counter knob and say you want to stay and work. Bingo, in a day or two you get a pass.
  8. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    My last word:

  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    That's great.... but evidently you think it's just fine to get off on some emotional tangent in order to duck your responsibility to speak out AGAINST YOUR PARTY as I am against mine.. or at least the people we voted for, when they want to take the easy way out.

    It's this SICK idea that somehow more government/laws/taxes or senate hearings is the answer to ANYTHING!

    It would be EASY for me to just ignore all this because the WORSE threat is ISLAMISM and if there is ONE part of America that will not put up with these sick freaks who want to make the US an Islamic haven it is the Hispanics.

    But it is not right to do it this way and it only implies weakness on the part of Anglos everywhere.
    Nope... I dont take the easy way out, and there IS no easy way, and no easy answer. But it SURE isnt to ONCE AGAIN fail on this issue.

    I spit on Trent Lott's opinion of me. I spit on Ted Kennedy's motives in the first place, but in the end, they are both the same.
  10. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    And by the way...I am STILL waiting for the answer on what the US did to deserve this invasion, however friendly it is. {Except in SoCal where it is NOT friendly}

    I dont expect one, because that opens a can of 'mindworms' which might cause you Dem/Libs to giggle the next time you hear your own candidates rail about how unfair we are to the poor. And now the elitist lying disease has spread to the GOP.
  11. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    ??Invasion?? My position is that it brings more good than bad, you make it sound like a swarm of locusts! What did we do to deserve it? I don't think we really did much of anything to deserve it, were a prosperous nation in close proximity to a much less prosperous nation. Follow the money, follow the jobs, the migration was inevitable. That's just fact. If we as a nation were forward thinking and came to a concensus that we did not want to be subjected to this, we could have stopped it easy. Of course were not and of course we didn't. And so we experience "invasion".

    And yes its amnesty! And I support amnesty! No point in hiding it, that's my position, I see no other solution to the 12-20 million here now. And of course Hillary denies that its amnesty, she's a dopey posturing blow with the wind politician who doesn't believe in anything but say she's believes in what's popular. I really hope I don't have to vote for her.

    If it were up to me I'd seal the boarder NOW. And grant amnesty to all here now. I'd then streamline the immigration process now. We need immigration, but it should come from a variety of places, and it should be a reasonable process. There are a lot of smart people out their who would jump at the chance to become American and we shut them out. That needs to change.

    There was a great article in the NYT's a few days ago which chronicled a town of 60,000 in Sweden that has absorbed 3 times as many Iraqi war refugees as the entire United States. The refuges in this case were Christians, educated, and upper class, who lost all they had. There is zero reason that they shouldn't be allowed to come here.

    But alas it won't change, it never does, we have a real dearth of quality leaders and talented politicians at the moment.
  12. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Spencer, I have to question you on the different language arguement. I happen to live in an area with high population of migrant workers. More and more stores are now promoting Spanish first on their signs to appeal to these workers and their families. I have no problem with these workers migrating to this area to work for the benefit of their families. I would certainly do the same thing if I am ever put in that situation. However, the language thing. Call me ignorant, call me a redneck, call me lazy. I just don't see how/why it's my responsibility to learn a new languge to accomdate these workers.

    If I were to visit China, Portugal, germany, Canada, I wouldn't expect them to speak English just to accomodate me. Would it make things easier, absolutely, but if I were moving there, i would work my ass off to learn the customs, culture, and languqage of the area. (BTW, the canada thing was a joke because I work with a lot of cannucks).

    Their are programs in any area that has a high concentration of hispanics that are free and help with these transitions. Are there things we could learn from hispanics to improve our culture and lifestyle. Absolutely, but if it means I have to learn their langauge to make them feel more comfortable, then I'm ok with not having that influence.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Actually the above two posts are right on the money, well said and without democrat dogma and/or Bush Derangement attached.

    I TOO support Amnesty, and you may be surprised that I would not turn in ANY law abiding illegals... I've had chances to do that for years, and I wouldnt think of it. I would however turn in some company that was intentionally hiring them.

    But I DO NOT trust our elected to do one damn thing to stop the crossborder invasion. I dont give a damn WHAT any of them say, the proof is when they welcome back the minutemen to help them and pardon those two HISPANIC Border patrol who were only doing their jobs.
  14. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    But Pettyfog, those two border parol guards didn't submit their paperwork
  15. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Thats not what I was contending or suggesting. Though it would only be good if Americans would learn an extra language its in NO WAY our responsibility to learn Spanish to accommodate immigrants.

    I simply mentioned language along with the others as factors as a reason why there is resistance towards immigrants. People live somewhere their whole life and then one day they starting hearing another language, they have a freak out, when Lou Dobbs says build a wall they couldn't agree more! Everyone can make what they want of that, I was just trying to highlight that thats what happens.

    In now way would I advocate that they not learn English, or that we conform to them. Its always the immigrants job to adapt.
  16. dtwondough

    dtwondough New Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    thanks for confirming and in response, i'm actually looking into free classes in boulder county or longmont that will teach me spanish. Or, I might just ask my next door neighbor. He's from Mexico city.
  17. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    This bill will be back after the general elections, and hopefully its gets shotdown again.

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