Odds and Sods

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HatterDon, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Several things roiling 'round in my limited brain:

    1. Every time I hit my ATT home page I see, under sports, "Donovan wants out." I keep thinking, "where does that spoiled prat want to play now?" And then I realize ...

    2. You're both right, so both of you shut the heck up award to: Liverpool FC/Mayor/Supporter's Club vs. UEFA. Liverpool DOES have the worst fans; UEFA couldn't organize a one-man rock fight. MOVE ON!

    3. A great motto for the Department of Homeland Security that I offer for free: "You'll Never Walk Alone."

    4. It's fun watching the ESPN shills for ABC pointing out how the Cleveland-Spurs final should be VERY, VERY close.

    5. In the spirit of Max Headroom [re-Eskimos]: Do people in San Diego ever get bored with their weather forecasts?
  2. Team_of_McBrides

    Team_of_McBrides New Member

    May 28, 2007
    Don, you've must of had a sneaking suspicion that I would post on this topic.

    Point number 2: Agree that both sides seemed to have lost the plot. Poorly done on the ticket distribution, security and ability to take some responsibility for letting fans into the stadium with fake tickets by UEFA. Liverpool supporters are NOT the worst fans in the world. A few knobs posing as Liverpool supporters behaved like hooligans and were completely out of order.

    Is it sad that I am even tired of hearing about the whole debate now. Neither side will admit guilt.

    Point Number 3: I am still laughing at that comment. (laughing to on the inside though as not to alert my coworkers to my shaninigans)


    1. Rosie O'donnell...enough said.

    2. The Mancs...enough is enough. Leave some players for the rest of the world.

    3. Baseball...where do I even begin.

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