If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, May 7, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    ..ban them as well?

    After the vaunted '1st 100 days', the Dems have done nothing, except ... forget about all the promises they made to clean up the crooked dealings, reneged on all the promises to shed light on pork (why would they want pork known anyway... how they gonna buy votes without it!!!)

    But they have time to put up 'nanny-state' bills, never mind who gets hit hardest by the effect.

    All you who voted Dem while mouthing the outrage against the GOP officeholders, I hope youre satisfied.

    The Republicans deserved to lose congress... but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Dems didnt desrve to win it.

    You HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    And yet, the president's approval rating is down to 28% this morning. It would seem that the majority of people -- not only those on this site -- disagree with you and your analysis of ... just about everything political. Nemmind.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

    And what is Congress' approval rating?

    What will you do if Dubya's rating EVER goes over 50? Which it MIGHT, btw, if conservatives ever get over being pissed at him.

    Do you have a view on the issue raised here... or do you just feel the need to defend the indefensible by redirection? AGAIN! AS USUAL!!!! I guess I dont really need to point that out anymore, it's obvious... but when you troll, you gonna get it right back.

    Well, just to make nice so you can bleat another meme...here ya go..Dubya hates flatlanders!!!!

    Hope that helps.

    - - - - - -- -
    HatterDon: wondering if Embryonic stem cells might be able to cure Bush Derangement Syndrome?????

  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

    Oppps my bad... evidently the public LIKE nothing but election speeches getting done on the floor.

    Congress ratings UP to highest since elections. 40

    Ah, the power of incessant agitprop!

    - - - -- Ooops AGAIN!

    Look what happens when I read footy stuff instead of the poli-blogs.

    Seems NewsWeak didnt exactly do it on the up and up... of course they asked party affiliation first and it turns out that their numbers are way off from what most other polls have seen for party affiliation.

    Evidently NewsWeak pollsters camped outside Dem National party HQ to take their poll.

    Not that the sheeple and lemmings will care.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    P-fog rant nr 931,482,708,091

    re-100 days rant: It has taken the president and HIS congress the better part of 6 years to make the surplus disappear, alienate our allies, put a crippling tax burden on our grandchildren, destroy our infrastructure, waste our international diplomatic currency, weaken the Bill of Rights, make wars of convenience the central part of our foreign policy, fragment our military, break our national promises to our soldiers and veterans, place an unconsionable set of unfunded mandates on our states, and equate any disagreement with any of this with cowardice and treason.

    It's going to take a lot more than 100 days to fix that.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

    And YOU think that's addressing the issues?

    1. How is the culture of corruption campaign going?

    2. Why is the bill that's at issue here, even RELEVANT?

    3. Why has the congress gone backward on the pork issue?

    All I see is the same meme for everything I write... do you have it on a hot-key?

    Start your OWN thread on that and I'll address every point.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: RE: If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

    Fog, you're on. The link you provided only referenced the bill in question via a link that requires a subscription. So I checked out Thomas which lists every bill before the 106th congress as well as those that came before. I key worded "flourescent" and "light" and got nothing.

    So, please send to me the House or Senate number of this bill so I can research the wording of it and we can discuss it.

    By the way, you might advise the person who wrote the drivel you DID link to that the national government doesn't have the right to enter his home and confiscate his incandescent light bulbs.

    Wow! I'll admit one thing. Compared to the litany I described, trying to outlaw a type of lightbulb really seems dangerous to our liberties. No wonder your knickers are all in a twist.

    Waiting for that bill number, pard [if it exists].
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: If buggy whips emitted CO2, would they...

    The bill # does not exist, yet... if you bothered reading the head of the linked piece, you might have deduced that.

    In fact, I wouldnt even have referenced such idiocy if some state dems hadnt already put up bills to do the same thing. I wouldnt beleive anyone could be so stupid as to address legislation to something that is already being remedied by market forces and vestigial green sympathies, even from the right. THAT is why I headed this "If Buggy Whips..." Get it?

    So you might say; what's the harm if it's happening anyway...

    Just as I might say.. "I'm still waitng for you to demonstrate how you or any of yours have had their rights trampled by the Busgh Adminstration."

    But The point AGAIN is this is a freaking waste of time and effort for NO other reason than to put more laws on the books in order to buy votes, and tell us how to deal with our daily lives.

    Worse... it implies people are stupid, which view I stubbornly resist... but see my strength in that view sapped more each day by such events.
    - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
    As for me, I began the switch to CFT months ago... before it was the rage. Helped out by the dreaded evil multi-national big box store; Walmart. Long before this evil right wing blog started their campaign.

    And I've done my best, elsewhere, to point out the nonsense about 'Mercury contamination' and other effects, that were raised by the usual suspects.

    As I TRY to point out here
    To say nothing of the efficiency of market forces to do the same..

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