Oscar De La Hoya-Floyd Mayweather

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by andyns, May 6, 2007.

  1. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
  2. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Thank you for that.

    Very questionable decision.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    a prizefight with a questionable decision? Nah; never happen. Something like that would lead to a re-match and then another. That would be egregious. That would be as stupid as having 3 times as many weight classes as we did 50 years ago, or having 5 or 6 different champions at each of those weight classes.

    Thank god this can never happen in America!
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Maybe Oscar's handlers should schedule a Las Vegas bout with Vince McMahon?

    Just a thought... Boxing's a real sport isnt it! Oh, wait...
  5. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Notice how much they tried to present that fact, that boxing has and will not go anywhere. With obvious crap decisions like that, where no boxer gambles, no boxer goes down, just assures boxing will soon be 2nd fiddle to UFC.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Hah.. you just heard a wonk say that on SportsCenter... so did I.

    True though. People used to actually CARE about boxing.. yet it fragments MORE, instead of unifying, as interest goes down.

    I blame Don Imus.. err.. I mean King!
  7. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Swear to buddha, I did not hear anyone say that. Just got back from playing soccer. But I definitely know I am not the only one that feels that way. For one thing, listen to a few UFC guys talk. The sentence fragments and incomplete thoughts hardly exist.
  8. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    youtube took me video down

    but it was rubbish
  9. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    I agree that fight was total rubbish :wink:
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