Arsenal v Fulham Pre and Post game

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by RDG, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Ok, so I'm not sure where this should go, so please excuse me if this is in the wrong section. I'm just so excited to get a new mouse for my ancient computer (Windows95, if anyone can believe it).

    Anyway, it's been a long, hard season, and it's going to be a tough remaining matches. So, at least two of us here in NYC will be meeting up for Sunday's match. We'll be at McCormack's ( and hopefully celebrating, rather than drowning our sorrows, as I suspect we shall. Hopefully, there can be more than just the "quorum" of two FFC fans.

    A defensive 4-5-1 has been suggested, and I agree. Normally, I would be a heretic and suggest sitting McBride, since he has looked tired, but he is the only striker of ours I see who comes back to help out on defense. Maybe a 5-5-0 might work in our favor? :lol: Hey, since the strikers haven't been scoring, why not?

    Is "Triple U" still out? How about Christenval? Can any of our defenders play?
  2. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Bravo RDG, the mere fact that nobody had started a pre-game thread until this late in the week tells wonders on how everybody feels about this London derby. Let's hope the Gunners overpass and look for the perfect goal.

    Frankly, I'm more concerned w/scoreboard watching on Sat. and hoping for favorbable results. The optimist in me says a late against-the run of play-goal sneaks the Whites a point, but gulp....I won't put down what the realist in me thinks will happen on Sunday.
  3. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Hey, Rudy/Joe,

    Don't worry; 'fog will move this to the best location. I'm not predicting lineups -- because I don't read LS at this point -- and I'm afraid to predict the scores. If all my predictions thus far had come through, we'd have already qualified for the UEFA cup. I will say, however, that I'd love to see Bjorn and Jensen on the bench for this one.

    I think Saturday's scores will have given the lads a bit of emphasis, and that we'll go after the Gunners with a will. As Tom has said in the past, it's a question of which Arsenal will show up. Remember, we played them with Henry on the pitch and beat them earlier in the season.

  4. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    I think our best bet for taking something away from Emirates Stadium has to be sitting back behind the ball a lot of the time and then trying to sneak someone with speed behind the Gooners' defense every now and then. McBride isn't going to get it done here. Two of Routledge, Montella, John, Radz and Dempsey trying to make fast breaks seem to me to be our best bet of grabbing a goal.

    RDG, I'll try to make it out to McCormack's on Sunday, hangover permitting of course.
  5. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I really don't like to even think about this game, every time I do a new knot is tied in my stomach :3d crying:

  6. bostoncottage

    bostoncottage New Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    New York, NY
    Based on absolutely nothing, I predict that Dempsey makes his first start this weekend. I know defense has to be a priority and that's not his specialty, but no one outside of the Cottage will give us much of a chance at Emirates. Considering how much we have to lose (big picture) and how little we have to lose (in the microcosm of this game), why not say F it and set the Deuce loose for a full 90 with instructions to be aggressive and see what he can do? We can't get 3 points by sitting everyone back. And with our defensive woes, a clean sheet isn't exactly a guarantee, so we'll likely need to score to get 1 point. I'm pretty sure Lawrie agrees with me! :wink:
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    I don't know how many on this site have noticed, but [bostoncottage excepted] it seems that most of the folks pushing Dempsey for more time have been the British contingent.

    I agree; I think let's run him out, especially if we're doing a 4-5-1
  8. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    I think we will win this game. I do not know why, but I think that we will play our best game of the season and this game could be a classic. I see both teams attacking and I think it is time for Dempsey to start. I would let dempsey do all the tricks he wants and I believe he could have a game to remember I would start an attacking 4-4-2 lineup with Montella and Mcbride as the forwards. I like the way Brown brings passion to the game and I would start him alongside Diop in the center of the park with Dempsey and Davies the attacking wingers. The defense is the worry, but this is a game that Knight has to be huge. There is no Arsenal forward with loads of pace so he should not be worried about that and the same goes for Boca if he starts. I see us winning 3-2 with a goal at the end of the game.
  9. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I will be at the Emirates and I believe our performance will directly reflect the management job of Lawrie Sanchez thus far.

    There will be 4,000 Fulham fans making this trip and I can guarantee that our boys will be supported in full and I hope their performance reflects this. I have faith, I really do.

    With that said:


    Volz -- Boca -- Christenval -- 3U's





    (Although to be honest, I may throw Claus Jensen in there some where.)

    Up the Fulham!!
  10. SCFulhamFan

    SCFulhamFan Active Member

    Aug 5, 2006
    We won once, let's do it again.
  11. floridag

    floridag New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
    fort myers, fl
    im not happy at all
    ive kept telling my wife all blooming week that we are playing on sunday
    so today she scheduled with our realtor an open house from 12-3
    my descion is do i watch the first half and record the 2nd or record it all and when i get back.. any thoughts

    my brother will be at the emirates cheering on the double over the gunners this year 2-3 to fulham super mac to score the winner
  12. Jacob

    Jacob New Member

    Dec 3, 2005
    Dacula Ga/ Destin FL
    I don't want to be burned at the Dempsey stake, but maybe Claus for Dempsey in that line up? Or just a sub in at half. I can't even speculate on AM C right now. heh :(
  13. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    HatterDon's dream Saturday results:

    1. Blackburn 2 Charlton 0
    2. Sheffield U. 0 Watford 2
    3. Wigan 1 West Ham 1
  14. Optimizer

    Optimizer New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    I will miss this one live, but I'll be taping it for sure and hoping the good guys win to stay up while I work on projects for school. COYW!

    I like this lineup, except I'd switch Diop and Smertin. Unless I'm mistaken, isn't Smertin a defensive midfielder? Why not play him at the bottom and have Diop go up the left (assuming Diop actually comes to play).
  15. psand22

    psand22 Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Columbia, SC
    Well, it looks likes Sunday Funday will get off to an early start. Will have the beer and the house all to myself to watch the game. So there will be no need for the inside voice....I think LS will start the same 11 as last week, since Q's and Pearce are still out. I see a 2-2 draw.

    Liam - Zat - Christ - Boca
    Davies - Brown - Diop - Radz
    Montella - McBride
  16. RDG

    RDG Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    I'll be the one with the FFC cap, slumped over the bar.*

    No, I'm not optimistic about this one, but I would rather be with Mikey than watching it on tellie. The Fulham fans have been incredible at these past few matches, as we've been able to hear them singing all the way over the pond. Now, if only the team could pick up on the energy the fans create . . .

    * I'm just remembering the last Arse match meet-up where they seemed to keep scoring at will, since no one had the ability to close them down!
  17. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    Well, let's hope you won't have to be slumped over the bar this time. I'll be in a white FFC Dempsey shirt. (Again, hangover permitting - it's 10 and I'm just on my way out, so we'll see how the night goes.)
  18. NXNW

    NXNW New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
    OK, Here goes:

    1) I'm drunk
    2) I think i may have passed on a menage. (see article 1)
    3( I have a crazy feling that we will pull a double on arsenal
    4) I've been wrong beforwe but what the hell.
    5) Even if we get skunked by arsenal we have a good chance against pool.
    6) I could be wrong but I'm still optimistic.
    7) It is ~6am pacific time so I have to turn on fsc and stretch out on my couch.


    if we should get beat this match and the next two and go down ( i',m touching all sorts of wood so that will not happen) i'll still fulham all the way. I was first drawn by brian mcb but at best fulham has a great attacking style--doesnt matter where the club finds players, when on fire fun to watch.

    I really hope that we will stay up but if not then timlin, dempsey, routledge (maye) & others will have achance to get sharp in the cola league and then take the prem by storm.

    Anyway if you like to drink and are ever in Seattle drop a line.

    In the meantime.......

  19. richardhkirkando

    richardhkirkando New Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Madison, WI
    Last night, I had a dream where we kept scoring and Arsenal kept equalizing. The match finished 3-3, after several very questionable decisions by the referee. In the dream, West Ham ended up staying up over us. We sued the FA, and got to stay up and West Ham had to give us Tevez.
  20. mateo1236

    mateo1236 New Member

    Mar 7, 2007
    New York/Dublin
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