Best Team Won

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    But not by much...
    More accurate assessment: Best outside shooting team won. I am not in mourning. OSU played great, otherwise... especially as I didnt expect them to get to Sweet 16.

    And I will NOT be surprised if Oden stays.. because Connelly, Jr is staying and those two are joined at the hip.

    It's also because Oden is not likely to get injured, he knows that and he only gets a chance to be a college kid once. And MORE than one chance to win the National Championship.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    and taking that chance to be a college kid is more important than signing a multi-million dollar contract?

    Dream on.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What about my post dont you get?

    Are you saying those millions are going away if he doesnt sign now?

    It comes down to his family finances... if they can eke out another year of living their lives normally.

    Maybe he wants to win a championsip at every level. I dont know but saying 'take the money and run' is overly simplistic to apply to everyone.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    THAT's the part of your post I don't get. How do you know? What will he lose if he gets seriously injured in OSU's 3rd game next year? What will he lose if he gets seriously injured in the NJ Nets 3rd game next year after signing a multiyear contract as a lottery pick? Why risk his entire lifestyle if he can come out now?

    And another thing, I'm going to take student-athlete graduation rates a whole lot more seriously when people who count such things look at top flight golf and tennis schools. How come nobody talks about Tiger Woods leaving Stanford before he graduated?

    And, finally, if you had a child at Northwestern in their drama department, and this kid had a chance to leave school and take a major role in a top-rated TV series, would you say, "don't do it! Stay in school for the joy of being a student!" I don't think so.

    That's what I don't get.
  5. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I would be shocked if both Oden and Durant stay. It is not just the NBA contracts worth a few million, but the shoe contracts that are worth many millions.

    It is easy to say that Oden might not get hurt, but we can't say for certain that he will NOT get hurt. I understand what Petty is saying about wanting to be a college player, but when this kind of money is waiting for you, I imagine it is very hard to pass up.

    Within two weeks both Oden and Durant will declare for the NBA.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    They might... just saying dont be surprised if Oden doesnt.
  7. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    As a college b-ball fan I would certainly like to see Oden back, and would never criticize anyone going back. However, it's not the rookie contract that is the enticing offer (funny to scoff at 3 years 8 mil), but rather the SHOE contract. Nike, Addidas, et al are throwing 50-60 mil at Durant/Oden. While I think both kids would love another year on campus that silly sneaker money is almost impossible to say no to.

    As far as the game, if your gonna beat the Gators you better hit some 3's when there open.
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