GlobalWarming and The Atkins Diet

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Hmmm maybe I can apply for a governemnt grant to study the connection.

    So what is the connection?

    I am a product of the Atkins Diet... not as such, but I followed it. and I lost weight, lowered Cholesterol.. etc. Everything Atkins claimed, and did it by cutting carbs and increasing fat intake.

    Conversely I had GAINED that weight while on a low fat diet.

    And I knew, once I thought about it... that it should work even though I have no training as a dietician or physician or metabolic physicist.

    I, you see, was raised on a farm. And we knew how to feed other mammals to control their weight. Especially whatr you'd feed them to make them gain weight fastest, and it wasnt fats, it was carbs.

    But like global warming, the 'scientific community' insisted on using straight line paradigms that had been developed through scientific hypothesis. Though it's known that eaten fat doesnt transfer directly to body fat... instead somehow eating fats would increase cholesterol counts

    And now.. ta-da.. a study - one that didnt have an outcome agenda to start with - has proven Atkins right. Including his position on cholesterol and carbs.,.. which I already knew because mine dropped when I dropped carbs.

    Against the vast preponderance of scientific agreement.

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