The FA Cup: Fulham v. Tottenham

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by FFCinPCB, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    i think what makes this match unbearable (other than, you know, the total embarrasment AT HOME TO TOTTENHAM) is that it suddenly kills all momentum fulham had. compare this match to the one against sheffield last month - both were total embarrasments. yet after the shefu match there was still something to work for. it felt more of a fluke than a total demolition. i would say this match surpassed stomach punching, to a full blown knock out. where do we go from here. or better, with whom do we go there with?

    it also has displayed cc's knack for unbridled favortism: why knight is still starting boggles my mind. diop is out for almost 2 months, gets really lucky against newcastle, and is now playing every minute. i'm not saying diop is crap (like knight), but i dont see the logic in him starting.

    i'm really nostalgic toward the lineups Fulham had during their 6 draw run. obviously the results werent exactly keen, but i just felt like i could be proud of the team. and that the team was blending and playing well together. simply, it was fun. now i have no idea what to think.
  2. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I think you right. I just can't figure out why it is. Coleman has a tendency of doing this with certian players. Poor Heleguson had to sit on the bench for half the season last year before he finally got his chance, and once he did he was fine. Runstrom can't get a game.

    I'd rather we throw the younger less experienced players out there. See if they sink or swim. If its clear that there in to deep then pull them out until they are ready. But you have to give these guys a chance! It is unfair to bring a guy in, like Runstrom for example and not give him a shot. If you haven't the cofidence to give him one start then why'd you buy him in the first place??

    With Dempsey, fitness has clearly been an issue, so I'm not freaking out yet. But if he dosen't start against Man U I'll be banging my fists on the table.
  3. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    The match report on the club website is rather vague on this - what did Montella do to earn a straight red? (Club website says there was a "heated exchange" with Keane but doesn't say why Montella deserved red while Keane saw yellow.)
  4. FFC24

    FFC24 New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Basically Montella threw his elbow and got sent off. Really though that piece of shite Keane made a complete idiot of himself by holding his face when nothing came close to hitting his face.

    Helguson,Knight,and Lastuvka need to sold and released because they are complete rubbish. Helguson brings nothing to premiership football other than his commitment. Knight is pure rubbish and I really want him to leave. He is an extra attacker for the other team when he has a bad game which is usually most of the time. Lastuvka makes more mistakes than any keeper in the Premiership and he is rubbish and I don't understand what people saw in him other than his shot stopping ability. Diop is looking decent and his passing game has improved alot since he has come back from injury. He is a force in midfield which is what we need as it puts fear into the other team. Really though Diop is the only positive to take from this loss.
  5. Yo_Adrian

    Yo_Adrian New Member

    Aug 12, 2006
    Just finished watching the game, very frustrating.

    Am I the only one that thinks Lastuvka basically watched 3 of those goals roll past him? He didn't seem to even attempt to keep out the first two, and the last he had given up on out of hope of hearing a whistle. At least try!!
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