President Hillary

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Spencer, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    See, 'fog, even when you try to diminsh me, you get it wrong. I don't think Hillary would be a disaster as president -- and congratulations for your agility in getting that from my post -- I said she has no chance of being elected. There's a difference.

    Your "two Republicans" -- let's see, that would be Brownback and Santorum, right?
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Let me outline it for you, when I said you and I agree on hillary, could I have meant 'she will never be elected'?
    See the paragraph break.. then the connective "AND"

    How much separation of thought do you need? And why do I keep having to correct your image of what you WANT me to be saying?
    Uh.... no! Giuliani and a horse to be named later, out of the field. we're talking about viable candidates, not best candidates.
    - - - - - - - -- - - - -
    Guess I better make myself perfectly clear... I dont consider YOU a moonbat, either. I might classify myself closer to wingnut.. and certainly you guys do, but you, OTOH, are a denial-based political follower.

    Kos and friends may make a lot of noise but it's the 'Dons' who are the real core constituency of the Democratic Party.

    Not an accusation... just a fact, in my eyes.
  3. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    The Democratic Party and the Republican party top candidates are the same who are controlled by big corporations. I dont want a career politician or someone who has been in the system long enough to be corrupted. I want a guy who it tired of the bs that goes on and wants things to change and Ron Paul is the only guy right now guy.

    Another thing is Aaron Russo would have ran if it wasnt for Ron Paul throwing his name in the hat. So If your a fan of Russo and his movie America: Freedom to Fascism you should know that Ron Paul is the only guy that Aaron supports for being President. Also Paul has said he wants an investigation into 911 to see if the government was telling the truth.
  4. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Well, I guess that just it KW...

    He's a sweetheart no doubt, for people like you and I guess. He is well spoken etc, and doesnt seem to take bullshit... but look where he is starting his campaign... on the alex jones show, which when it isnt expressing concern about the illuminati it is chasing down UFO's and such... I'm sure Dr. Paul will get beat up for this one. He is also a Republican, for now, as he is truly a Libertairian. **I am a spelling genius these days**

    Problem here TRULY is that corporations support these candidates and he'll have almost no money to run because no CEO will give him money.

    Ron Paul at this point is the Anti-Bush... and I dont think the country will go for such a drastic change... if he gets on the ticket, I promise you, it will be the first time I've ever voted Republican.

    For those of you who dont know...

    Why I actually like this guy? ... -gold.html
  5. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    Spenc -

    He's not anti government, he's anti federal goverment and anti world government. The right to bear arms is an american right, and an advocate of the free market granted it actually be FREE, not just label as such...

    My point here is that even if voted Pres. he can only do so much, the house and senate would most likely have their way... it would be nice to see a leader more interested in preserving rights rather than taking freedoms away to preserve... freedoms...

    **Anti foriegner?? WHAT?

    Yeah, the career politician thing is odd, I've never heard it, but in the same breath he's been seen as a worthy electee for decades, there has to be some substance to this guy.

    These high profile guys are something else... I'm tired of dodgey spin doctors.
  6. terry1lj

    terry1lj New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
    Detroit, MI
    I'm a fan of the dodgy spin doctors.
  7. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    pocket full of kryptonite was alright. beyond that, eh.

    My two to watch:

    John McCain and John Edwards
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yes, let's elect a 'Tort Lawyer' {extortionist} to the presidency.

    Someone who was going to lose his Senate Seat if he hadnt given it up to run for VP. Like Gore, someone who cant carry his own state.

    Sorry, rather have Hillary.... at least she wouldnt be winning on some cosmetic appeal.

    {added} In fact, if the above doesnt matter.... give me Harold Ford!

    If we must have a Democrat, which looks likely from the way congressional Republicans are dissing all of us, and Richardson couldnt get the nomination; I'd have Harold Ford in a heartbeat over any of the OTHER posers... at least he acts sincere when he tries to relate.

    I guarantee he WOULD carry Tennessee.
  9. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Well the focus is obviously going to be on Hillary and Obama but I think Edwards will to have a decent shot at the nomination. The rest I don't imagine will factor, I mean Vilsack a noooo not happening, Biden defiantly a nooooo.

    On the other side Giuliani and McCaine are the two who will go at it you'd think. I can't say I know much about Romney or a thing about Brownback and Huckabee.

    Hopefully Giuliani will prevail in the primary, I can see myself potentially voting for him.

    I eggarly await the first debates.
  10. Smokin'

    Smokin' Administrator

    Jan 3, 2005
    Machu Picchu
    I'm awaiting anything that exposes this guy...

    I should love him being a NYer and all, but the idea of a superstar running for pres, who maybe actually be more Democrat than Republican... He throws me for a loop. He'd gain my respect by calling for a reopening the 9/11 investigation. He'd win in a landslide.

    My prediction remains Hillary, so that we can develop a WINDSOR/TUDOR type monarchy system, but DUTCH style...

  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    The last time the Republicans featured a national ticket without either a Bush or a Dole on it was 1972 -- that's 35 years ago, folks! The Republicans have already instituted a monarchal system.

    And it's almost as intellectually notable as other monarchies in the world.
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yeah... we need another Jimmy 'we are doomed, we need to do less with less' Carter. Rather have a guy with ordinary IQ and some sense than another one of him.
  13. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
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