Fulham @ Chelsea [R]

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by krhimself, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: What a result

    Don't disrespect your mom, dude.

    Wait until you're back in your abode and then use it for a bath mat!
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: What a result

    hah... wish I could have seen your face!
  3. Tony_USA

    Tony_USA New Member

    Feb 5, 2005
    Fort Wayne, Indiana
    Re: RE: What a result

    can't be a bath mat, that means it might be useful more than once.

    I suggest you send it back to the Chelski store, with a note, asking for a credit for a Fulham shirt. Gotta be worth it, just to see what reply you get!! LOL

    .. and when you get the reply ... post it here.

    joking apart, what size is it? and before you all think I'm on the turn, I might be able to get it for my son, a complete failure on my part, know, but they won't accept him at Parkurst as being criminally Insane, so I just humor him now.
  4. FulhamCMH

    FulhamCMH New Member

    Aug 13, 2006
    How awful would it have been if Liam's own goal had ended up as #15,000?

    I'd also like to add, along with everyone else who has commented, a huge shout out to the 3200 visitor army at the Bridge. You guys rocked! It sounded like the match was at the Cottage on TV.
  5. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Re: RE: What a result

    Cash, hey long time no hear. Hope all is well in AZ.

    I suggest either burning the jersey in a great bonfire or donating it to some poor sucker.
  6. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Re: RE: What a result

    Cut into little 4" x 4" pieces and use a bathroom tisssue?

    Us it to play tug-of-war with a pit bull?

    Give it your girlfriend/wife and show no mercy?

    Give it to your boss?
  7. AtlantaJohn

    AtlantaJohn New Member

    Jan 6, 2005

    Great end to the year, any year where Fulham beats Chelsea and draws with them can only be good, and to add to that a defeat of Arsenal as well. I hope CC plays the same way Monday, we almost looked like we were playing a 4-3-3 yesterday and you could tell that they were confused, CC had done it before against them and we did it against Arsenal, if you sit back against these teams they will bury you, it is also very boring for Fulham fans to watch. I would rather we play like we did yesterday and lose than play like we did against Liverpool and lose, now you can make a case for you only play as good as your opponents let you, but with this squad we are far better going forward than just sitting back, we have got to do that Monday, Watford are very suspect at the back, but they will look at this game as winnable and will come at us with everything they have, this in no way will be an easy game, they are fighting for survival, the pitch will be very greasy and mistakes will be made all over the place. Mcbride is by far our biggest weapon, there is not a defence in the divison that handles him 100%, he causes trouble all the time, he did last time we played Watford, and he did again yesterday, he was very unlucky not to have scored, their keeper made a fine save from him only to see boca totally unmarked to tuck it in, he was also unlucky with a header, but the other players have got to learn to feed off of him. CJ as had his chance get some money for him, Routledge looked good on runs yesterday but his finishing is hopeless. But a great day and please please CC and Fulham go for it tomorrow otherwise we could be looking at a very embarrassing day, and i hate to still sound pessemistic but this season looks like 40 points will not be enough to stay up, we need a win and a good one. Happy New year to all my fellow Fulham fans.
  8. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    The 3,200 - Loud and Proud

    Well, Spencer, me and Katy were in the upper tier, back row, right behind the net and could see the other 3,197 other fans who were proud to be on the Black and White side of Fulham.

    As Spencer mentioned, the atmosphere was electric and singing Fulham songs for over 100 minutes left us all a bit hoarse. None the less, the highlight had to be Boca's goal which lead to the fans singing Boca's song all the way out of the ground.

    A great result from a injury riddle, but very determined Fulham team.

    Proud to be FFC.

    Spencer did us all proud and kept singing and singing. Well done bro.
  9. DCDave

    DCDave Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: What a result

    Cash, it's great to hear from you!! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were doing out there.

    In terms of the kit, you can put it on eBay at some inflated price. They're chelsea fans; they won't know the difference. Buy a Fulham kit and have a few beers with the rest of the money as you watch Fulham knock cska London out of the FA Cup.
  10. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    I'm going to the match tommorow then flying home the next day. It'll be my first home match and I haven't been able to actually get down and see the cottage yet so It'll be my first time there aswell.

    I look forward to seeing Jay Demerit as he's from Wisconsin, seeing how Minnesota has zero topflight European footballers now, nor hardly a guy who can get on a team in MLS. Demerit is as good as it gets for me with regard to local players.
  11. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Enjoy, pard!

    And get three points for the boys in black and white! COYW!
  12. DCDave

    DCDave Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Mike, Katy, and Spencer, we're looking forward to hearing you.
  13. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    Mike, Katy, Spencer, as they say in the States, "Crank it up, dudes (and dudettes)!!!!"
  14. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    This has been bugging me since Saturday. I used to really admire Frank Lampard when he was with Wet Spam. I liked his dad's game a lot, and I always liked the idea of the rampaging attacking midfielder. The problem is, since he's joined CKSA London [I do like that name], he's lost a lot of his class -- a fact that's becoming more apparent every day.

    When he equalized on Saturday, he ran in front of THE 3200 to taunt them -- something I've seen other players get carded for. What a no-class act. You're at home against a team significantly poorer in quality than yours, and you taunt. When Boca hit the equalizer, I wished I was at the Bridge to scream every piece of invective I've managed to catalogue in the last 60 years at Chelscum's #8.

    Since then, I've realized that the real class act at the Bridge is John Terry. When he's out, not only do they look comical in defense and weak in transition, but they also look like a bunch of highly paid, undisciplined yobbos. The side may have a lot of character, but as far as I can see, most of it resides inside the #5 shirt.

    So, let me be the last person on this site and probably the last Fulham supporter anywhere in the world to say this, but Frank Lampard sucks!!!!!

    There, I feel all better now. 8)

    Rant over.
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