Why I despise Advocacy Groups

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 27, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    A Deadly Story We Keep Missing

    So THERE you have it.... do you note he didnt mention there were 52,000 road deaths in 1970? Do you know how many more cars there are on the roads now? And how many more miles each of those car travel?
    And of course he doesnt mention the great decrease in death/100,000,000 to ONE POINT SEVEN

    (1) Sweden 1.2
    (2) United Kingdom 1.4
    (3) Finland 1.5
    (4) United States 1.7
    (5) Netherlands 1.8
    (6) Denmark 2.0

    (9) Germany 2.5

    No... instead he deals with emotions rather than facts, The only statistics he uses are EMOTIONAL ones.. and WHY NOT, he's a professor of POLITICAL SCIENCE, or how to bend peoples minds to what you think is right.

    Year |Registered Vehicles (000) |Vehicle Mileage (Billions)

    |Fatalities |Fatality Rate

    1960 74,444 719 36,399 5.06
    1965 91,743 888 47,089 5.30
    1970 111,243 1,110 54,180 4.92
    1975 137,915 1,327 44,525 3.36
    1980 161,761 1,527 51,091 3.35
    1985 177,097 1,774 43,825 2.47
    1990 193,057 2,148 44,599 2.08
    1991 192,549 2,172 41,508 1.91
    1992 194,427 2,240 39,250 1.75
    1993e 196,866 2,288 40,115 1.75

    In other words, the SYSTEM WORKS! Things ARE happening.. but they are happening as technology and the market drives them.
    Note there are three era's of dramatic decrease.. I can tell you the exact reasons.
    But that's not good enough for him. He wants GOVERNMENT MANDATE.

    I know how he votes... I know what is important to him..

    He gets my red-hot proctopoker award of the day.

    And I feel very sorry for those who can be swayed by that type of tripe.

    ed: I had originally titled this "Why I despise Liberal Advocacy.." but I know there's the same going on, on the right. I just cant think of one that correlates.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    One responder to this poser's crap reminded us of a far more sinister threat to everyone.... and one which the government is doing even LESS about,

    Dihydrogen Monoxide!
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