Polar Axis shift coming...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    Well, John Kerry is gonna 'halp'.. he has met with the troops and local Iraqi leaders and will meet with the Iraqi PM.
    As well as every other middle east leader who is bashing US right now.

    Unfortunately there's no videos of what the troops are telling him, as yet... or saying about his visit.
    Hannity came back from there a couple weeks ago but of course those soldiers' spitting mad comments dont count.. the SHEEP!

    And he's not the only one going on fact finding to Iraq.. Eason Jordan the famous CNN Saddam-Pimp accepted Michelle Malkin's challenge to take her along to Iraq to find the elusive AP Iraqi police spokesman that no-one else ever heard of.

    That will be interesting. The lefty blogger comments, of course, hope she'll be IED'd and wonder if Jordan shouldnt be.. just for considering associating with 'That Hater'.

    And we have had a host of other Dems, like Bill Nelson going out on their own fact-finding tours to ask Syria and Saidi Arabia what they should do now that the ball's in their court.

    Ever the optomist, I think the Dems are realizing they ARE now the 'loyal op[position' and the ball being in their court have to do what's right instead of posture for sympathy and the vote.

    IOW, Murtha will be sent back into the closet and told nicely to STFU.

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