State of the Middle East

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    and US foreign policy, in general..

    Current sidereal news is discovering:

    The UN Oil for Food scandal is worse than even thought
    - indeed it's far from the only corruption scandal inside that organization.
    - Yet the Dems and the MSM in general are against confirming Bolton, one of the few who has the backbone and will to clean up the UN.

    US media has indeed been played by anti-US factions in the Iraq war specifically and the entire middle east in general. Starting with doctored photos and ending with totally false reports of dead civilians from non-existant raids by coalition and Iraqi forces.
    - Lexis/Nexis Research done on past 'news' articles attributes a fictional Iraqi official who no one in the Iraq government seems to have ever heard of, in many articles in many sources.. but primarily AP.

    Saddams WMD programs did indeed exist throughout the entire run-up and only incidentally referrd to when the NY Times can complain that the administration allows the evidence of same to be published on the net.
    - When Joe Wilson was proven a liar {yellow-cake}, that didnt show up anywhere in the mainstream news. When a career State Dept wonk was found to be the source of 'Plame-Gate' we heard nothing but a faint Emily Litella mea culpa.
    - The MSM never investigated multiple reports from multiple sources, to say nothing of early speculation by their own writers, that Saddam's WMDs were moved to Syria.

    When Condi Rice attempts to apply 'reasonable and diplomatic' measures, the only group to notice is the 'right wing' blogosphere.. to complain about it.
    - barely a whisper of "Bush Admin is finally doing the right thing'. Of course that is NOT the 'right thing' but you'd think someone would acknowledge it.

    Current news that Dubya wants to 'engage Iran' conjures a smirk in the reporting of it. But not for the same reason as mine.
    - Believe me, if the MSM had done a cold dry look at the options on Iran, it would realistically have pointed to success in Iraq as the ONLY viable option to counter Iran.
    - How does that compare to the complaints that Dubya wont do a 1 v 1 with North Korea? When Iran does explode a nuke, it will largely have been the work of N Korea that makes it happen.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    You are amazingly limber for a man your age. To be able to contort yourself into so many shapes to put a positive face on the administration's work in the Middle East and still not pull every muscle you possess is admirable.

    Well done, my fellow muppet.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Do you have a rebuttal for any of the above?

    Other than to jab me in the ribs.. and complain about my 'head in the sand' comments?

    Let me make it perfectly clear... Republicans lost, Democrats won... they are essentially at the reins.

    HOWEVER I trust the vast majority of our elected officials to do the right thing to protect the US, no matter their party or their side-gigs on domestic issues or 'bakshish'.

    Same as I trusted Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, he was hindered both by distractions in his personal life and a cabinet who believed in pushing the problem forward, so as not to have to deal with it.

    I'm pretty sure the responsibilities of leadership will sober the previous 'squeal for effect' on the part of the elected.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Well, let me see if I can keep all of that straight.

    1. That portion of the country who thinks about these things thinks that Bolton is a bad choice for the UN because he's a long time member of that faction that thinks the UN should be starved out of existence and go away. It is for THAT reason that many reasonable people feel that naming him UN Ambassador was the Administration's way of telling the UN how useless they are. Saying that he should be approved because he was a critic of oil for food is like saying that Hitler should have been applauded as a staunch anti-communist.

    2. It's hard to rebut your second point because to do so I'd have to guess what "doctored photos" and "totally false reports" you're talking about. Could the unnamed civilian you referred to be the same guy that snookered the Administration into believing that there was an active anti-Saddam group waiting to take over and he was its leader?

    3. Let's put this Wilson/Plame thing to rest shall we? Either there were no WMDs, or Saddam made the greatest humanitarian self-sacrifice in the history of the world by not deploying them during the "accomplished mission" at the cost of his country, his power, and his life. I don't think he's all that, but I'd have to think it in order to believe that there were WMDs. The entire problem with "Plame-gate" is that it was a calculated threat by the Administration to bully its opponents. In this case it was "blow the whistle on us, and we'll put your wife's life in jeopardy." In order to do this, the administration had to violate a law designed specifically to sheild the identity of CIA agents that was championed through Congress by the president's father when he was in the Oval Office. It is not possible to determine if lives were lost [and if so how many], and whether several intelligence operations had to be shut down as the result of the outing of Valerie Plame. But it is very clear that none of this was as important to the administration as its need to stamp its collective foot and threaten its opponents.

    4. I don't know how you can tell there's a "smirk" in a newspaper, but several papers and news magazines have been reporting on the Rice initiatives, as well as the president's trips, so I don't know how to rebut those bits of whining.

    5. "Success in Iraq." There it is again. What's the plan, Stan? I continue to chuckle at how the wounded right chastises the Democrats in Congress for not having a "plan in Iraq." Well, the Administration doesn't have one; they never had even before the war began. They never even had a coherent reason for attacking that didn't change monthly. Identify what "success in Iraq" means, and then cite the arguments against it, and we can all have a shot at rebuttal.

    Petty, I didn't want to go into all this; I preferred just to compliment your fitness ... but you did ask.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    On the doctored photos and phony stories, it's there... it's been proved... you just wont read about it in the head or lede of the MSM.

    #3 is so far out in ostrich land I cant even go there.. I pointed out the end result, you wont admit it. NO ONE -not even schmuck Armitage- compromised ANYONE'S security in 'Plame gate... PERIOD!!!! Nothing i can do further.

    Either do your research on your own or follow links when I provide them

    YOUR KIND complain when I do that.

    There I said it..
  6. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    "success in Iraq", "achieve victory", "no alternative but to win", "we must beat the bad guys and evil doers"

    Don, you mean it isn't clear??

    No, not to me either. But apparently all the unrest is caused by Al Queda trying to stir things up. Nothing to do with sectarian violence, retribution, religious wars, or centuries of ethnic divisions. Nope, nothing at all. BuSh said so.

    Has anyone else noticed the, "oops, I think I crapped myself" look on BuSh's face these days. That's because, Mr. President sir, you have shit the bed on your Iraq plan (or lack thereof). Now it will take years, if not decades, to clean this mess up.

    Shame on you! Next time just go use the potty like my 3 year old does.
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Nice diatribe....

    Wonder why you guys bother?

    How about you answer thosememes yourself. Tell you what... if the place cannot be put in some semblance of order.. then why the hell are we letting their people into this country?
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