Olbermann is my favorite

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by kwdawson, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Like he said.. it's full of hysteria and hyperbole.

    There's ALWAYS one telling point in a liar's testimony... he cant help but add fillips to make his case sound even better.

    Count the times he mentions Geneva Convention, then tell me what that has to do with anything. Yeah, you hear it all the time but it doesnt apply. Period.

    Olbermann is an ass.. he was an ass when he was a sports commenter but, like the OTHER big ass - Jim Rome, he was entertaining. He's still an ass and I suppose he entertains you, but now he's dealing with important life or death stuff.

    If you want to debate the REAL facts of history that he tosses around so lightly, I'll do it with you... I'll tell you some really DAMNING stuff on FDR that maybe even KO doesnt know, or believe - stuff which explains why the 9/11 conspiracy is taken seriously by some...but I'll ALSO explain how FDR's decision came about and was the right thing to do, even though it might 'shake your simple patriotic faith'. But if you're a liberal or democrat, you might have a hard decision to make once I make the argument...

    See.. the trouble is that most people cant be bothered to present things in a 'this vs that' way, anymore. They pick ONE side and say anything they think makes their case.

    Olbermann doesnt present the possibility that it MIGHT be necessary at some time or another to detain under no habeas corpus, and he doesnt really care about the singular one or two people that might snatched by men in black.. dont make me laugh. He cares about Keth Olbermann. His record in broadcasting bears that out.

    If you want to go beyond KO's Bush Derangement Jingoism and actually discuss what he said, okay.

    If not, I've said my piece.
  3. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Olberman's alright but he's a major soccer hater
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    See above... if it would raise his ratings a point he'd have an EPL segment every freaking night.
  5. NJGlen

    NJGlen New Member

    Jan 7, 2005
    New Jersey
    RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    While completely biasad, Olberman is a good counterbalance to those jokers at Fox and the rest of the american media that deem criticism of the 'office' of president as unpatriotic. The US media was a serious culture shock when I moved here after years of being on weened on the likes of Jeremy Paxman. The undying support of the mainstream media when American went to war without just cause in Iraq was sickening.

    Everyone knew it was wrong and while people on the streets of Europe were protesting and BBC journalists were probing and investigating, the mainstream media jumped on the patriotic bandwagon for fear of losing viewers and not one of them stood up to be counted by asking the question, "Is this the right thing to do?". No, they just licked their lips at the thought of news anchors in desert uniforms and increasing viewing figures with cools shots of missiles and 'our boys' on the front line.

    Don't worry, we have seen our own fare share of unjust wars that were simply vehicles for the leader of the time to accomplish their own objectives. Just look at Thatcher in the Falklands. jesus wept, we started a war with Argentina over a piece of land 3,000 miles away inhabited by penguins so that Thatcher could win an election. It even has a name now if you study politics at university in England - the 'Falklands factor'. And I am accutely aware that Tony Blair was standing beside Bush (well kinda on all fours with his pants round his knees) during the Iraq invasion. I am also accutely aware that American bombers were refueled at Shannon airport during the conflict too.

    But...American media, please get a grip!!!!! American people please show something other than appathy. I don't care what your political stance, or what party you vote for, please remember that the president serves us, we don't serve him. I don't care if its a right wing looney like Reegan or a left wing looney like Carter, he's not 'Mr President', he is simply the president. The president of a great country and you have the right to demand decisions that best serve your nation.

    And as far as the media is concerned, stand up and be counted. Demand unbiased media reporting (unlike O'Reily and Olberman) and switch off the 6 o'clock news. Until they pledge to bring you the news, not editorial, they do not deserve your patronage. Yes, just the facts please ma'am.

    Oh, and on a personal note...who made Katie Couric a news anchor and thought it was a good decision?
  6. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    If nothing else, kudos to Olbermann for trying to get people engaged.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    so many paragraphs; so many telling points.

    Don't know when you got here, NJG, and welcome whenever that was, but the sacrosanct nature of "the office of the president" -- the presence that cannot be criticized -- has only arisin twice since I've been paying attention [about 1958 or so], January 1981-January 1989 was the first; January 2001 to the present has been the other.

    The presidents in between were raked over the coals by all sorts of people without fear of attacks on their "Americanism" and "Patriotism." The reasons for the kid glove protection of the president in the early 80s and the only one of this century, is that there so obviously was and is nothing of substance there that self-protection and justification wasn't possible. And so this righteous cotton wool wrap of holiness descended around them, and still does.

    Never saw anything like in during my years in the UK. If anyone spoke directly to our president the way the PM is spoken to during "question time," I think he'd pee himself.

    Re-Couric ... it wasn't me, bro.
  8. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    I will admit that Im not as smart as you and Im just starting to get in to politics at the age of 21. Although I like Olbermann more then the rest because the others seem to be telling only one side of the story, and Im a liberal.
  9. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    NOBODY is 'smart' when they start out life... that's why there's 'life'. That's why, anthropologically speaking, even the village idiot acquires a certain wisdom with experience. {heh.. shut up, Don!}
    All I ask is this... be a TRUE Liberal. Freely look at all points of view in as broad a perspective as possible. And NEVER fall for soundbite memes that, on close inspection, fail the credibility test when applied to the speaker.

    Here is a good starting point on what makes a 'True Liberal' and there's no better example than the late Oriana Fallaci, compared to a Pop Culture Lib
    Read up on Oriana.. forget the other one.
  10. NJGlen

    NJGlen New Member

    Jan 7, 2005
    New Jersey
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    I landed here in 2001..a truly momentous year for the United States of America.
  11. jmh

    jmh New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite

    According to a friend who's worked for him, Olbermann is a prick.

    (Which has nothing to do with the substance of this subject matter, of course.)
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Olbermann is my favorite


    I say again, there IS no substance, it's ALL about Keith Olbermann
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