MNF: Unbelievable! E. JAMES is a FRAUD!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Matt Leinart is too good for that team, that 'offensive line', that coach.
    Arizona O'Line is not quality.. but everyone KNOWS that.

    Beaten by Chicago defense! Chi Offense only gets 3 points.

    Denny Green would make a good assistant somewhere... HOW MANY #$@@@ times have we heard you 'go for the KILL!!!!!'

    And Edge, STFU if your O line cant give you a hole. Not that you could have found it... usually tackled with both feet firmly planted on the ground..F#$#@$G IDIOT!

    Charles Barkley knows his stuff... in the booth in 2nd quarter, was speechless at the playcalling when Az was up: "20 points isnt enough, folks!"

    Denny Green, post game: "The Bears are who we thought they were... we let them off the hook!"

    Well, who called those plays when you were up 20-3?
    RUNNING plays when it was the short pass that got you scores?
    Running plays when Leinart had to move out of the pocket all night to get a pass off?!!!
    But the thing is Leinart wasnt PLAYING like a rookie QB!!!! And he really ISNT in a big game like that, he was playing like Boomer Esiason did... like big Ben does.
    You HAVE to trust your QB.. Kurt Warner did, he told Matt in the 2nd half: "Just earn your salary!"

    No... it was Denny Green that LET those plays be called.. it was that playcalling that let the Cards know that the coaches DIDNT have confidence in their game.
  2. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    That was a wild game last night. You have to blame both Edge and the O line.
  3. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    The Bears had no business winning that game. I was pissed off watching the game until things turned late in the game. If anything, perhaps people will see the Bears have lots of work to do to get to the Super Bowl and such. Arizona exposed them some last night...particularly in defending the Bears offense.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    My reactions to the game came as a total surprise to me.. I really have nothing invested in either team... but when I saw that Card's D could find and expose Bears' O, as Tom says... and Leinart played so brilliantly with what he had... I was riveted.. but, even at halftime, Theismann and Kornheiser and Charles Barkley were just waiting for the shoe to drop... they were NOT REALLY expecting AZ to hold up.
    And THEN for Green to let the game get away... just to placate Edgerrin James!!

    -Backstory: James had gone public that he wasnt happy with not being given the ball late in games to kill the clock. THAT is why I call James a FRAUD! He KNOWS what his line is capable of ... and THEN he gets tackled while both feet on on the ground!!!!!

    Yep, Bears against any other team, that MNF show would have been rightly hailed as one of the best ever, most exciting games...and all due to the Bears' amazing defense.. but in this case all it did was piss everyone off!
  5. ChicagoFan

    ChicagoFan New Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Let's not give Leinart TOO much credit people. Other than the opening drive, all of the Cardinal's other points came off Bears' turnovers, resulting in short fields. Even getting the ball deep in Bears' territory, the Cardinals typically could only muster one field goal after another. Plus, Leinert only threw th ball in the air over ten yards one or two times the whole night. Virtually every one of his passes was either a quick-hitter just a couple yards off the line scrimmage, or even a virtual lateral strike to the receiver at the line immediately on the snap. Now, don;t get me wrong -- the very-short passing game was apparently their game-plan, and he exectued it well for most of the first half, particularly as a rookie, but it's not like he was slinging the ball all over the place, or making any particularly impressive throws. In fact, other than the first drive, he didn;t really do much of anything in the way of making great throws.

    Now, that being said, I give him full credit, again particularly as a rookie, for his poise, but let's not annoint the guy just yet. He was fine -- that's all.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    If you have the chance, CF.. you had better watch that game again,
    no offense meant but I dont think you knew what you were watching.

    Oh.. you described it more or less accurately but all you saw was the trees.. not the forest.

    When they ran they got stuffed.. when they passed on the screen or in the flat, they got first downs. cogito - ergo -sum
  7. ChicagoFan

    ChicagoFan New Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    . . . and I think it is you who have been so caught up his hype that you're exaggerating his performance.

    I don't disagree with you on the run/pass scenario, but they only had like 2 decent drives the whole game, even when he WAS passing. Time and time gain, they got the ball deep in Bears' terrority and couldn't do anything with it, and that includes Leinart throwing. I mean, completely barely half his passes when about 95% of them were just dump-offs, screens, and quick-hitters is nothing to get all excited about. In the second half, with the exception of the final drive (again, just dump-offs and quick tosses), he was actually only mediocre.

    Again, overall, I'm not saying Leinert didn't do his job admirably -- I'm just saying that his task consisted solely of quick-screens and dumping the ball off over and over and over again, and even THAT he only did successfully on a couple of drives. So, again, he did fine, but nothing to go ga-ga over.
  8. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Well... for some reason Green has fired his
    Off Coord

    and I looked at the Play by Play.. and it might bear out what you are saying.
    sure looked different to me.. and a lot of tv wonks, this morning
    I might add.
  9. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
  10. krhimself

    krhimself New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Orlando, via Japan
    He seemed rather angry about the loss, didn't he? Can't say I blame him, considering that the Cardinals are... being the Cardinals again. I did love their new stadium, though.
  11. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    Haha. That was fun watching.

    I liked him when he was coaching the Vikings. Vikings were good (some years great) in the regular season. Then the playoffs came, the Vikings turned to crap and the season was over. Yeah, actually now that I'm thinking about it he can stay in Arizona...
  12. krhimself

    krhimself New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Orlando, via Japan
    It's bad enough blowing a big lead at home (albeit to the Bears), but losing to the Raiders? Like I said, the Cardinals are just being the Cardinals.
  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005

    I feel so ashamed... what if even THIS THREAD contributes to their karma?!!

    Will Denny Green ever get another HC job? will he want to?


    And never fear Matt, Even Marino had a rough start.
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