College Football Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ChicagoTom, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    So, the first two weeks of the college football season are over with and I am already tired of hearing coaches bitch about the new rules where the clock starts when the ball is kicked off and where the clock starts on a first down when the ball is ready...similar to that of the NFL.

    It seems the coaches bitching the most are those that lost games. mack Brown has come out today slamming the new rules and is blaming them on his team's loss to Ohio State. I hate to break it to Mack, but more time would not have gotten the game closer, but it would have widened the gap even more.

    My point is that I love college football but hate four hour games. I am pleased to see the NCAA doing something about this with these rule changes. There is no reason an NFL game can be over in 3 hours and 15 minutes max and an average college game goes 3.5 hours and sometimes four hours. Makes no sense to me at all.

    Thus, kudos to the NCAA, an organization I usually do not give much praise to. It is not they have decided to shorten games. Enough was enough.
  2. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    all they have to do now is stop killing the clock on first downs, getting rid of replay, and deep-sixing overtime, and I might start watching again.

    But, then again, [to paraphrase Will Rogers] I don't follow big time college football, I'm a Maryland fan.
  3. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    Mack needs to worry about finding an new QB.
  4. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Ohio State/Cincinnati-when I saw the line; OSU by 30, I said what are those guys smoking.. that wont happen, #1 or not!

    OSU 37-7 after Cin led 7-3 after 1st. heh.. whatta I know!

    Michigan 47 -21 ND What can I say.. ND over-hyped, just a little? Who would have thought!
    but Penn State rebounded, nicely, from their ND humiliation of last week... oh, wait! Youngstown State is one level BELOW the MAC teams. Never mind! Maybe Joe-PA got confused..thought YSU was like Toledo or Akron.

    #3 Auburn 7 - 3 over #6 LSU.. ESPN reviewer calls it classic football, I call the SEC overrated and over hyped. Either USC or Ohio State would eat their lunches and make 'em buy dessert.

    Texas made Rice pay dear for Texas' problems last week..

    Louisville 31 - 7 Miami, fl.. Miami won the national championship in '01. did Louisville even have a football team then?

    My game of the day: Texas A&M 28 Army 24
    Army gave Texas A&M all they could handle, down to the last play..and on the ground!.. though AM must outweigh em 75 pounds a man.
    - Note: game played at Alamodome in Don's town.. Army the home team.

    Ask Big 12 coaches if they ever expect to play MAC teams again, to 'tune up'... esp Kansas into Toledo
  5. krhimself

    krhimself New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Orlando, via Japan
    Just got back from the Florida State-Clemson match, which we (FSU) lost in the final seconds. Most of the fans in the student section called it a heartbreak; I called it a choke job. I'll give Clemson their due props for playing a good game; in fact, they were the better team for the majority of the match. The bottom line, though, is this: we pretty much gave them the victory in a gift-wrap toward the end. Don't believe it? Watch the highlights of our defense getting shredded with the clock running down.

    Our offense is still far from impressive, and the defense was a bit of a letdown, also. The special team seemed to have more big plays than the two other units combined. As good as the ST was tonight, that's not exactly the pattern you'd want your team to follow. Overall, it was an exciting, but far from a classic, matchup. Oh, and congrats to Clemson.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Saw those end of game plays, KR... I was thinking the same: 'surely they didnt play that bad the whole game'! But it doesnt show that bad on the ESPN highlights.. they emphasize the quick snap fooling the FSU D

    By the way... Was that tommy who said: "I hate Kickers!"

    Here's a hint:

    1.Your school has a soccer team, right? That should take care of the mechanics.

    2. Who are you putting on the line to block... You think that's the place to use 'warm bodies'?
  7. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    Michigan beat Wisconsin! Manningham is just amazing. I was saying at the end of last season that he would be the main offensive guy for Michigan. No I'm no bandwagoner, my Grandpa, one of my cousins, and two of my friend's siblings go there.
  8. Zack

    Zack New Member

    Dec 11, 2005 team is UNC and they got what they call in the biz.....HAMMERED....52-7...John Bunting the coach was a NFL LB and his defense is AWFUL...i hope he goes and pray for carolina to be just good/bad enough to make it to a bowl game here in Orlando as I wont be able to see them when I head up to NC in a few weeks...I LOVE all Carolina sports (and dont think Carolina is that other state you have to drive through when on 95) and while some will say when basketball comes it wont be that bad..i still love carolina football and all of carolina.....also the school i will be finishing my graduate studies at University of South Florida lost to Kansas....USF isnt as strong as last year, but 3 more wins and bowl eligible...although its hard to have USF come to a game w/ a small but growing fan base.................and finally, my alma mater which i only really associate w/ the soccer team i played 3 years with (i hate the school for another reason...) but Webber International University beat the NAIA #1 ranked Embry Riddle at their place in Daytona 3-2....really good stuff by my boys, although Embry Riddle is class, if you saw them move the ball around you wouldnt forget that NAIA tag and realize that it is just the different rules, school size, and other changes that seperate it from a NCAA DI school....but my buddy and old gaffer John has the squad at 1st in the conference after a disapointing loss in a season opening derby....if your bored

    Well here is hoping Carolina cant make it to Miami in a few weeks so they forfeit a 3-0 loss maybe! and after that UNC plays USF...although i'll still want the tarheels to win....anywho

    F Chelzski and glad to hear of the grrrreat work and spirit in the squad!!!
  9. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    It looks like the Michigan vs Ohio State game at the end of the season will be a great game if both teams stay undefeated.
  10. rumstove

    rumstove New Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    Eau Claire, WI
    Ohio State might even lose in Iowa this coming Saturday...
  11. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I have not been impressed with Iowa at all this season. I look for Ohio State to beat them by at least 10 points this Saturday.

    Also, I am hoping Michigan continues to roll in the Big Ten. GO BLUE!
  12. mnlandshark

    mnlandshark New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Minneapolis, MN
    One of my best friends is a big Iowa fan... I can't wait for Ohio State to wipe the field with them... just so he'll shut up for a while...

    And in a bold prediction, Minnesota upends Michigan on Saturday for the 2nd year in a row... I figure it's Monday, I'm tired and not of clear head... and maybe, just maybe, the Gophers are ticked off enough at the way they couldn't hold on against Purdue... oh who am I kidding... Minnesota's getting their butts handed to them on Saturday...
  13. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    LOL Landshark! Minnesota has improved over the past five or six seasons under Glen Mason, but this year's team seems to be down a bit. I look for Michigan to win by a score of 31-14 or something like that.
  14. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    No more Maroney either. And have you seen Manningham? I said at the end of last year he was going to make a huge contribution!
  15. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
  16. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I know this will open up a can of worms, but I think Manningham is a better wide receiver than Ginn. I feel Ginn has more explosive potential than Manningham, but as a pure wide receiver I think Manningham is better.

    Ginn has the gamebreaking speed Manningham does not quite have, but I think Manningham has better hands and does just as much, if not more than Ginn on the offensive side of the ball.

    Regardless, both players are good. I also feel Manningham will have more of an impact in the NFL than Ginn.
  17. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    I think so too after seeing Michigan pound Minnesota. Manningham, Hart, and Henne all had good games. The defense did well until the last few drives. Next week: @Penn State!
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    It's looking like a CLASSIC buildup to the end-of-season BIG GAME, aint it!

    Most ESPN wonks, including Corso (who had said Iowa would handle the Buckeyes), now say the winner of that game will play in the National Champ game....

    But then, look out for the controversy.. what if Michigan and Ohio State are the clear cut best in the country {dont EVEN gimme no 'Auburn'}, and the big game ends in a one or two point victory.

    Other interesting point: despite OSU performances, the Heisman is slipping away from Troy Smith.

    To MAC Northern Illinois' Garrett Wolfe!

    After his performance against Ohio State, the spec was that OSU's defense was young and inexperienced. But THAT defense has proven since to be pretty damn good. Bengals Junior!

    And Wolfe just keeps on runnin'
  19. WonsanUnited

    WonsanUnited New Member

    Sep 23, 2006
    OSU has an easy schedule the next 5 games leading up to the BIG GAME. Once Michigan can get past Michigan State, Iowa, and Penn State, they're a lock for a BCS game. Would they really lose to Indiana, Northwestern, and Ball State?
  20. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Go Garrett Wolfe!! He will never win the Heismann but it would be cool if he did. He went to high school a few miles from where I live.
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