And this guy wants to be President?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mnlandshark, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. mnlandshark

    mnlandshark New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Minneapolis, MN
    George Allen? Really?

    I'd love it if the GOoPers were crazy enough to make this guy their nominee! I mean, what better way to show that the Republican Party hasn't made any progress from the Dark Ages than by nominating "Macaca" himself?

    For those who haven't followed the story, the esteemed Senator from Virginia decided to use a phrase little known to Americans to describe an Indian-American who works for his competitor... I mean, the man is just brilliant thinking "Oh, maybe they won't notice if I use a word and they don't know what it means"... well, for once somebody did some homework and figured it out...

    Then, and here's where it's really fun, the picture at the top of the article pops up and reminds us that, yes, George Allen likes to be affiliated with the new brand of Kinder and Gentler KKK... Yes, the Council of Conservative Citizens is today's version of the KKK, called out by Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group... and there's George, lined up and smiling with the rest of them... might as well get him a hood!

    And petty, I know you're pondering bringing up the fact that we have Robert Byrd in our party... we know it, we don't like it, he's almost dead... besides, you've still got Trent Lott...
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Heh... you missed throwing in a Strom Thurmond reference.. please do, so I can fill in some background. And how his family feels about their black sister.

    And some of these youngers might think it was the Dem's who pushed the sixties civil rights stuff through..
    Then we have the curious Dem black leadership... how guys like Ford and, now Obama {what's his name, again, Teddy?}, fare if they get 'too uppity'... who is it brings in Rev's Jesse J and Al Sharpton.

    See your minstrel Rev's and raise you a Don King!

    Here's the hand grenade: Dem's: party of carpetbaggers extra-ordinaire!
    - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -
    Heh.. having so much fun, I forgot... I dont want Allen, either. Poor politician and communicator.

    Rather have Rudi Giuliani.... sop to the 'moderates' and will protect us where it matters.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Speaking of Presidential wannabe's...

    McCain will NEVER!!!!!
    For this reason alone!!!

    Meaning: THEY are the ruling elite... they know best what is good for US!

    If the stakes for the country were not so high, I would stay away from the elections until McCain, Lott, and all the beltway insiders were booted out from loss of Conservative voters.

    Let's face it, those on BOTH sides who pick at personal foibles, giving the message that you had better be squeaky clean or you're gonna be trashed in the public opinion market are responsible for this.

    That's why we dont have Newt Gingrich opposing this from inside... that's why Kasich isnt in there, instead of Dewine... or even Joe Scarborough.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    HI P-Fog, I'm not a youngster by any means, and I remember that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were both pushed through a DemocratIC Congress by a DemocratIC President, and that the Republican standard bearer in the 1964 election voted against the former and famously stated the Republican opposition to federal legislation to ensure equal rights in this country as "you can't pass a law to make me like you or to make you like me."

    You can rant all you want and drop African American names like you know what you're talking about, but the Republican Party stopped being the party of equal rights for minorities and women the moment that Johnson picked up the civil rights banner in 1963. Nixon looked at all those abandoned bigots in the South and the Southern Strategy was born.

    In the absence of real economic conservatives or libertarian conservatives in their midst, the Neo-con movement is made up people who get campaign contributions and print and airspace by appealing to racial and religious bigotry, and by trying to scare the hell out of everybody by yelling "911!!" or "Hillary!!" If your cause is this pseudo-conservative big government bunch of corrupt, lying yahoos, than you must realize that what you are supporting is morally and intellectually bankrupt. The Emperor is long past nekkid!

    I didn't have much time to rant either; but some things have to be challenged.
  5. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    I see George Allen as a George Bush clone, and will fuc$ this country up even more then it is today if he's elected.
  6. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Ah, yeah, HD.. do you also remember that Goldwater was the "War" candidate because he said "Either bomb 'em back to the stone age or get the hell out.."

    I think you are oversimplifying it.

    The point being.. he was a states-righter. Now... count all the Southren States, multiply by two and that's how many Dems voted against it... at least.
    It would not have passed without Liberal and Moderate Republicans.. period, end of!

    So there you have it... you remember just what you WANT to remember, no?


    Now.. it may distress you to see this.. but the facts speak for themselves.

    Harold Ford was given a shove-aside.. ostensibly because of his relatives' sorruption charges.. but maybe there's more to it than that.
    Barack, as long as he doesnt rock the boat TOO much may stay viable.. but he's courting danger if he doesnt follow the Reid line.

    Yep.. we ALL get upset when our long-held ideas are challenged.
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