Kit Delivery News From Yanks Abroad

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by BC, Sep 3, 2006.

  1. BC

    BC New Member

    Jul 30, 2006
    Decatur, IL
    Thought I should share this email I received from YA regarding their kit shipment:

    "First and foremost, we want to thank you for using Yanks Abroad as the
    provider of the new 2006/07 Fulham kit.

    We received the following unfortunate news directly from Fulham's
    merchandise coordinator yesterday afternoon:

    "As you are aware, we have experienced delays in the delivery of our kit
    from Airness with our consignment due to be delivered this week. We have
    conducted quality control tests on samples from the latest consignment of
    kit to ensure the product achieved the high standards that we expect for our
    supporters. Unfortunately the kit has failed these tests and we have taken
    the decision to reject the delivery. We are aware that this news will cause
    great disappointment but we consider it a priority to ensure that we supply
    products that meet the standards you have a right to demand."

    Due to this decision by Fulham FC they have requested we immediately send
    back the shipment of jerseys we just received from France to distribute
    domestically this weekend. We are extremely sorry for any convenience and
    disappointment this may cause you.

    Therefore we at Yanks Abroad can offer you the following options in regards
    to your purchase:

    A) Keep your originally ordered shirt as-is, with delivery expected in late
    B) Refund of your purchase

    Please let us know your decision and we will take the appropriate measures


    So, it sounds like the kit quality was not very good. Hopefully Airness can get this worked out. While it is disappointing, I'm glad Fulham have decided not to accept a flawed product.
  2. SCFulhamFan

    SCFulhamFan Active Member

    Aug 5, 2006
    :( Yep, I got the same email... looks like we all will be waiting longer!
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