First time for me yesterday to experience the match in the chat room and I just wanted again to extend my thanks to DCHeather and CStoneNo37 for the PBP. It was a great time and look forward to the next one!
Hey, not a problem, I enjoy giving the pbp and being a "typed voice of GJ." So what exactly was the problem yesterday for Spencer and somebody else in not being able to log into the chatroom? It's nice having as many people possible in there, this site has come along way from just about 4 or so regulars in the chat room last year. COYWs. "The ref is havin' a laugh. The joker" :tongue:
No idea what my issue was it would simply let me in then a second later log me out. All my "Spencer has entered the chat room" and "Spencer has left the chat room" must have been kinda annoying. Sorry bout that I thought I'd try it one more time after quitting for about 20 minutes and wala it worked. No idea why.
Well, your problem was good for a laugh to those that were already in there. :lol: We couldn't figure out if you were coming or going. Did you use the same web browser in your final successful attempt?
I'm going to try the chatroom again on Saturday. I hope that DCH's step-by-step will foil whatever grimlins were causing me not to interact. COYW!