More rabble rousing....

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Police haul in youth for taking their picture..

    Maybe if some folks would f##$#@kin pay attention to what's happening in their own back yards instead of bitchin and moaning about some imaginary rights being taken away by some President or othert, this country WOULD be a little safer.. and freer.
    Note the tepid response to this from the ACLU.
    And guess what party the Philly council members might be from... not that I KNOW, of course.

    But I know it cuts both ways... just like the recent Ohio Supreme court ruling on Eminent Domain use to promote development.

    Clear and specific statutes need to be put into place to apply to these issues. In the Norwood case, the holdout Property Owners were supposedly offered three times appraised value...
    ..which means their suit was good on ethical and libertarian grounds but lacked credibility when the 'old family home' excuse is used.
    I've known a few holdouts... and their end argument always boils down to: "When they build on the rest of it, my property will be worth even more than that"

    As to taking photos or videos of cops in performance of their duties, on public property or in plain view... the issue is clear to me.
    When the public is penalized for doing it, the politics of those who vote for it has no relevance... you can be sure they've been in office a while and 'know what's best for all of us'.
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