Fulham V. Pompey

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by americanmike, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    This is a huge match for both teams and there is a bit of Deja Vu here. Last season, we met Pompey, at home, in April for an important game and this is much of the same.

    A win will almost mathmatically make us safe but Portsmouth will be needed the 3 pts more than ever. I say we go for the throat and sink them further down the table. They wouldn't help us if we needed it.

    Bridge, Niemi and Bouba should be back, although this has been said every week since they got injured.

    Crossley has looked great in the last couple of matches and, call me crazy, but he should stay in net.


    Liam -- Boca -- Goma -- Bridge

    Brown -- Steed -- Bouba -- Boa

    McBride -- Helguson

    Now that is a team that can beat ANYONE. Personal messages to some of the boys:

    Boa - STEP IT UP SON! Captains need to be more consistent.
    Brown - I love this guy but you need to pass alot better than you did last weekend!! You could be a FFC legend int he making
    McGod and HH - Cause Pompey's backfield havoc. Beat them to a bloody pulp and stick a few past them.

  2. AL-UK

    AL-UK New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Horley Surrey UK
    The back four will probably be the same at last weekend except perhaps Putney will be back and either Liam or Volz will step down (probably Liam). I'm not a fan of Zat but have been pleasantly suprised by Pearce and it seems they are CC's first choices at the moment. I cant see Goma playing many games from now till he leaves in the summer, as for Boca is he injured or just taking the blame for some of our recent defeats? (I think Boca is our best centre back, would like to see him and Pearce as a combo)

    If fit Niemi should play every time over Crossley as no matter how well Crossley plays Niemi will always be better.
  3. DCDave

    DCDave Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Game time issue:

    The UK changed to summer time last week, a week before the states. Therefore, the difference six hours in the East and seven in the Central, putting this week's game at 9:00 AM EST and 8:00 AM CST.

    This will only affect this week's game, as the US will "catch up" next Sunday (prepare to lose that hour of sleep!)
  4. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Big match for sure on Saturday. With the pressure of relegation in the rearview mirror, I think whomever is out on the pitch for Fulham will do well. I am not predicting a 4 or 5-nil win, but I do think we will win this match.

    Pompey has won two in a row coming into this one, but Fulham has been exceptional to say the least at home this season. I do not see that changing on Saturday against 'Arry's boys.
  5. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Re: RE: Fulham V. Pompey

    Except in Eastern Indiana.. in which case, who knows!
  6. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham V. Pompey

    What's the word on the injuries -- Yanks-abroad.com has Brian and Carlos both sitting; ESPN/soccernet has The Wardrobe still not playing and Bridge doubtful. Whazup?
  7. Hengist

    Hengist New Member

    Dec 13, 2005
    Fulham v pompey

    A crucial fixture, Portsmouth are a scrappy side with some of nastiest fans in Europe so it wont be easy.I've got a feeling there could be trouble tomorrow,especially in view of our pitch "invasion" after the Chelski game,lets hope not as we need all the points we can muster(God forbid we get any deducted by the FA)and a win tomorrow would almost certainly keep us up and probably put Pompey down,here's hoping.
  8. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    RE: Fulham v pompey

    I do believe Papa, Bocanegra and Niemi are all out. I have not heard anything about McBride being injured. Perhaps he will be rested in favor of a now healthy Heidar Helguson.

    Fulham must not play this match complacently. Pompey have loads to play for while Fulham is playing for pride. Let's hope the boys show some pride and continue their strong home form!! COYW!!
  9. AL-UK

    AL-UK New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    Horley Surrey UK
    RE: Fulham v pompey

    Expect to see the same team as last week except Bridge in for Liam.
  10. FFCinPCB

    FFCinPCB New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Santa Rosa Beach, FL
    RE: Fulham v pompey

    Wow, that picture really jacked up everyone's posts.

    My picks:

    Niemi, if healthy. Crossley, if not.

    Volz - Boca - Knight - Bridge

    Pembridge - Steed - Boa - Radzinski

    McBride - John
  11. Zack

    Zack New Member

    Dec 11, 2005
    Maybe this is a knee jerk reaction...but either some players need to get a pink slip or "upper management" needs to get a grip.....never know how the fulhamish wave will go....HUGE victory one week, medicore draw.....crap loss.....2 W's in a row will set my mind at ease and not have me figuring out how to watch fizzy league matches...i know they chance of that happening is slim..but over the past few months it seems like never to count fulham out it...good or bad.....COME ON and GET A GRIP and finish the season like it has some meaning...i can only imagine the let down that everyone but the pompey fans as mr. R is making a believer out of his squad.....c'mon cookie as in the one of the lines from the should be oscar award winning line of adam sandler films....YOU CAN DO IT.....all night long but preferebly the rest of the season....here is hoping to a better result and keeping a clean sheet for more than 35 seconds next week......in all seriousness COYW!!!!!
  12. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    Re: RE: Fulham v pompey

  13. Jacob

    Jacob New Member

    Dec 3, 2005
    Dacula Ga/ Destin FL
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham v pompey

    Nope it's still bad try just removing it for now.
  14. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham v pompey

    The picture size should be 70 by 70 pixels

    His avatar changed on a PM... maybe the code doesnt pull the new one... just the one it was posted with.

    Mike or Tom probably need to delete that file.
  15. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: Re: RE: Fulham v pompey

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