NFL: a look at the bright side!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    No matter how dismal it might seem for a Detroit Lions fan... they should pay attention to the team that beat them, like a drum, Sunday. In that loss, there is hope. Because the Bengals were, for years, the only team that was more depressing than they were.

    - Not to mention that, contrary to what the Detroit writers say, there WERE bright spots.. like the Kick-off team coverage which didnt allow anything spectacular from returns.

    Cleveland.... Holy Cow! A REAL football team is emerging in that dismal swamp!
    Romeo has the team believing in themselves and also is showing Chicago why they should'a passed on yet another mediocre Big 10 QB in favor of getting the best one out of the MAC.

    - I know WHY MAC QB's are successful, dont know WHY NFL coaches cant see it.
    Hint: look at the average weight of MAC offensive linemen, you idjits! Hint #2; now think about 'time in pocket' and pass completion %.

    Man! The AFC North is gonna be JUST AWESOME next year! And a REALLY GOOD team in AFCN is gonna miss the playoffs in 06.

    Colts lost!
    - Note to other teams: Think "Rope-a-Dope", intentional or not.

    Patriots... uh.. while we're glamming on a SB with the Manning Bros, let's not forget....

    Dallas. I @#%#$ HATE Dallas! I dont know why... I like various of their players in the past. I like JJ's ownership flair. I really like Bill Parcells for his passion. I just HATE Dallas! O-ooh, NOW I remember! "America's Team"!!!
    Yay, Redskins!

    Chicago and Falcons. Despite seeing some exciting stuff there... the only thing that could cause me LESS concern about any NFL game is the one tonight, Green Bay and Baltimore!!!!
    Who scheduled this turkey?!!! I mean it was a ratings loser before the freakin' season BEGAN!

    Law of averages says GB wins; unless a really mediocre AFCN team is a lot better than a really mediocre NFCN team... oh wait, can I change that bet?
  2. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I can't remember who it was, but I was right in saying the Bears would rough up Vick and the Falcons. Vick did nothing at all last night. Granted it was cold, he still did nothing to resucitate the ailing offense of the Falcons. He is overrated and until he wins something will always be in my book.
  3. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Why, I dont know what you mean "over-rated"...
    He obviously HAS a lot of talent.

    Are you saying the national media put too much pressure on him because of his race?

    Careful, there... what you say might get you passed over if you ever were thinking of working for ESPN! And labeled 'racist', besides!

    If you get my drift... :roll:
  4. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    The media does put a lot of undue pressure on him, but as a quarterback, whether white, african-american, hispanic, etc, he just does not seem to have what it takes to be a dominant QB in this league.

    Yes, he can run and yes, he can make people miss, but there is more to the position than running and juking people. He could use a better cast of receivers and a playbook that has a little more in it. The Atlanta playbook is vanilla as all hell.
  5. VonBilly

    VonBilly New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    i watched the bear's game last night, the big play was the interception/fumble recovery and the falcons going for it on fourth and one with a run up the middle, you got vick who can run outside till the cows come home, and you run it up the middle! best player; bears 74 (forgot his mame) and so much for manning and his pefect season, the pat'riots will come good and my dark horses to beat the colts in the afc championship game. does anyone remember steve grogan (pats) thats when i started watching the nfl. back when the pats were $hite
  6. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    VB, don't remind me of the dark days. Yes, I remember Steve Grogan a little, he was before my time. The question is, do you remember Scott Zolak? That's the time period I remember very well....ugh. :3d crying:
  7. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Yeah I DO remember Grogan... the Pats WERE fun to watch, if only for the S&M crowd.

    And Tom... you arent getting my meaning. Couple the Vick mystique to the politicization of a Black Community leader criticizing McNabb for not, effectively, being MORE like Vick!

    Michael has been trying to emphasize his ability to scramble when he should have been honing pocket passing skills and insisting on a line that can hold up.
    His ability to run is GREAT but NOT when it's predictable...

    And that explains VonBilly's puzzlement on that play. Falcons just have too few options.
    Take Vick and put him at Jax, and see how they'd fly! Well, if MV could hit passes as well as Byron....

    IMO, Dante, Michael, Donovan and Byron should get together for a post SB press conference... maybe at an Urban League or NAACP convention and come up with a group statement:

    "We are NFL Quarterbacks, we are NOT 'BLACK' NFL Quarterbacks.. we're talented, we're smart and we aint here to promote any o' your freakin messages, so just STFU!"
  8. ChicagoTom

    ChicagoTom Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    I remember Steve Grogan well. He used to hook up with Irving Fryar and hand the ball off to Craig James. After the Bears wrecked them 46-10 in Super Bowl XX, I have had a soft spot in my heart for the Pats. I even liked them during the late 80's and early 90's when they sucked ass.
  9. VonBilly

    VonBilly New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    was he the back-up to bledsoe and marino (one year at the dolphins as back-up). i named the family dog after a player called stanley morgan, a top pat reciever. the first ever game i saw was highlights of a 49ers game. all i can remember was montanna throwing a td to dwight clarke, maybe in a playoff/championship game. the head coach of the team i used to play for, fulham cardinals, (theres a picture on the photo gallery somewhere) girlfriend work in the front office of the miami dolphins. he was on the team plane after the dolphins got beat in the superbowl. the season when the dolphins went 16-0. how many times did we here that story at practice!
    all i got to say is...
    best season for me was 85, getting to the superbowl on the road, through new york, l.a and miami, on the back of a great D and eason, james, irving,
    and the greatest o lineman John Hannah
  10. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    You are da man Pettyfog.

    As for the Pats...I hate them too.
  11. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    You're an OLD FART, VB!

    But not as old as me.. 'Garo Ypremian'!!!! Gonna be a HERO..ooops, slipsies!
  12. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    What I LIKE about the Redskins...
    1. Joe Gibbs
    1A. beating #%$#@ out of Dallas
    3. Havent kow-towed to insane lunatic PC lobby about their name.
    4. give me a while.....

    What I hate about the Pats:

    1. They arent the Cincinnati Bengals.. or Cincinnati Patriots.. or ..

    2. they are everything the Bengals might be, but arent yet... and may never be.

    3. give me a while.....
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