I found a good link with look a likes from around the Premiership and European soccer. It is definitely worth a look: http://www.football365.com/fun_download ... ndex.shtml
Haha, mike's going to be pissed. But how about Fulham USA's American Mike http://fulhamusa.com/index.php?module=M ... rby=titleA and Arsenal's Jose Antonio Reyes http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/Osgulo/reyes.jpg
Sorry Mike....I actually thought this last night while watching the game. Man...I'm going to be banned from the site!!
Not I, Jerry MacGuire. Take your fish and go. Although I did think there was a passing resemblance between McBride's Header and the Arsenal keeper last night. His name is currently escaping me, and I'm entirely too lazy to look it up.
Yup...we'll find a way to alienate everyone on this site by comparing them to Arsenal and Chelsea players. This form of stereotyping will not occur at www.fulhamusaexiles.com, you have my word on it.