
Discussion in 'FulhamUSA Introductions and Announcements' started by lou4gord, Jun 18, 2005.

  1. lou4gord

    lou4gord New Member

    Jun 18, 2005
    Windsor, Ontario Canada
    Hi! I live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Any other FulhamCanada fans out there? I have been a Fulham fan for about 60 years. My Dad took me to my first game when I was six years old. Back in 1958 I lived a couple of blocks from Craven Cottage for about a year. It was nice to stroll down the road to watch a game. Lived in Canada since 1966 but have seen a several live games on visits "over ome". Ordered tickets for my wife and I for the Colubus game. Just a three hour drive from Windsor, through Detroit and Toledo. Can't wait! Should be lots of fun. Hope to meet all you FulhamUSA fans. Come on you whites!!!
  2. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004
    Fantastic!!! But yes, there are a good amount of fans from Canada and I even think there are another 1 or 2 from Windsor...but I could be wrong.

    Looking forward to seeing you in Columbus...hope all is well.

  3. christopher

    christopher New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    toronto, canada
    I'm a supporter who lives in Toronto. It's a bit of a way from Windsor though.
  4. andyns

    andyns New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Halifax, Canada
    I am also new to the board. Living in Halifax and a Fulham sinced Van Der Sar arrived, but since then have came to love the club. Visited the Cottage for the first time this past April, saw the match versus Everton. It was fantastic.
  5. greatwhitenorth_army

    greatwhitenorth_army New Member

    Jan 13, 2007

    Just joined the community, looking for other Canadians and perhaps start our own site, something minimal if we can find any web peeps out there...

    I'm at Toronto. Been a Cottager since I first watched Malbranque (RIP) and Saha (RIP) play together, but knew/watched them climb the leagues into the Premiership. Was actully a ManU fan when they lost to Fulham's first Premiership game, and right there and then I converted... :lol:

    If you're near the Toronto area, a Spurs supporters pub called Scallywags (http://www.scallywags.net/january.php) is showing the game vs. Whites on the 20th of January... perhaps see you there? Christopher, where in Toronto do you live?

  6. terry1lj

    terry1lj New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
    Detroit, MI

    I live in detroit when I'm not at school. I'm right across the river so let me know if you know of anywhere in windsor to watch a match.
  7. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005

    Erm well I was born in Winnipeg, hold dual citizenship, and do get up there at least once or twice a year so technically I'm a Canadian Fulham fan. I try to stay up on Canadian news, politics and such but I've lived in Minnesota for so long that I'm just well not very Canadian.
  8. americanmike

    americanmike Administrator

    Dec 30, 2004

    Wow, the things your friends hide from you, even when you are a gracious host 4,000 miles away from their home!

    p.s. have you noticed your new FUSA title yet?
  9. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005

    Ah well you should have let me know you wanted to hear about my Manitoba lineage, I could have told you all about it! I remember having some sort of conversation about it, maybe it was with Katty.

    "Draw King", it took me a while to get it. At first I was thinking Draw as in draw your gun. Then I guess a few brain cells gained function . Ohh draw as in tie! :3d smile:

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