Hello CDUBBS!!! What's the weather like in Illinois? I've never been there before. It's very cold and crisp in Fulham - it's nearly 6:30pm here too. It's soooo confusing with all the timezone stuff!!!
Re: RE: HULLO ALL!!! Chicago is in the midst of a blizzard. It is snowing everywhere. It kind of sucks. But, that is part of life in Chicago.
Lauren: It's a full-fledged blizzard in the Chicago area right now. :cry: We had about 4-6 inches of snow last night, it's been snowing all day again today, and now the wind is picking up. My office is right across the street from the Sears Tower, and it's practically white-out condition out there right now. The only good news is that it's not too cold. It's just below freezing, which is probably why we're getting so much snow. Anyway, it's a good thing I like winter, 'cause I don't live here for the sunshine, that's for sure. :wink: **** Edit: You beat me to it, CT.