Friends of Fulham

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by tslyon, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. tslyon

    tslyon Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    vandenberg AFB
    Hi all-

    I know a good many of you are on the FoF board as well. I was just wondering if you have felt a change in the tenor over there? I'm chalking it up to stress over the poor season. I still love it and visit it everyday, so maybe it is just me...


  2. sacffc

    sacffc Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
    Sacramento, California
    My interest and participation in FoF took a major dive due to the vitriol directed at Dempsey regarding his departure. I don't like the blatant double standard for non-English players, and they seemed to have picked up a number of trollish types due to the closure of the message board on the FulhamFC site. There are a lot of fine people over there, but the negative vibe is clearly stronger than it was a couple of years ago.
  3. tslyon

    tslyon Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    vandenberg AFB
    You are correct about Dempsey. They still take the occasional pot shot at him to this day. I remember it being a lot more friendly and open. The sad this is that the trolls have made it so difficult on the mods that they are having to react to seemingly benign comments based on past offenses from posters. Makes it difficult at times to get a debate going. The wrong person says something and the mods have to step in to maintain the peace. There are some really smart and informed posters over there though, and I still enjoy it for the most part.
  4. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    FofF used to be a jolly place, but when the offal went tits up, the neighborhood went downhill. They're doing everything they can to moderate it, but it's almost a losing battle.

    I get a lot of crap by folks on this site for posting there, and I do post a lot there. The thing is, we were down for months here and when we came back, we came back with only a fraction of the membrship we had before. For that reason, I can check here at 0800 and again at 1600 and find hardly any new posts -- especially mid-week. And so I spend more time over there.

    If this place were as lively as it used to be, I'd hardly go over there at all. I'm really worried about the future of this site when we get relegated.
  5. tslyon

    tslyon Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    vandenberg AFB
    Your posts are one of the main reasons I go over there. That and the Daily Fulham Stuff post. They do seem to be up against a wall over there. I wonder what will happen to THAT site next year. I think a lot of the long term fans will stay, but the people (like me) that only know Fulham as a Prem side??? Not sure they'll hang around. I imagine they will look to the other London teams, with some even going to Chelsea. My weekends will not be the same, as I'll have to find another side to cheer for if nothing other than to make early Saturday mornings worth getting up. But I'll listen to Gentleman Jim and hope that every so often Fulham makes it to Be In sports...


  6. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    Besides from one particular person, who else? I've only questioned you before when you and said person didn't enjoy reading the comments in the chat. And I asked why bother? I read some comments over there from time to time when something big happens, that's when some intelligent comments are made--otherwise it's a lot of noise and I can't keep up with it. About the only other Fulham website I look forward to reading is Craven Cottage Newsround.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    There's basically only two folks, Senator. Sorry about that. I don't that came out the way I meant it.

    I thought CCN stopped when Rich Allen stopped publishing. I must go check the place out.

    I also look at Vive el Fulham and HammyEnd News.
  8. AggieMatt

    AggieMatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Alamo City, Texas
    Sac and DCH's comments pretty much some up my thoughts on the matter. And more politely.

    Don't be too hard on Don, I probably do give him enough crap for several people, so it might be confusing for him.
  9. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    oh lordy that site is awful now.

    admin banned anyone that was slightly critical to him.

    thank heavens for this and CCN otherwise I'd be in the wilderness
  10. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    I still read and occasionally post, mostly about the last 2 match viewings. We got to meet the one and only YankeeJIm (a very nice and knowledgable guy). As said; the offal invasion, Dempsey threads at nauseam, and would be remiss not to mention Finnster's passing and his impact on that site. I wish we had more posters, and miss the likes of misfitkid, psand22, and RR(aside from his Mod duties) who went there, but rarely post there anymore. That said, the amount of dismal football (especially at CC, where season ticket holders have a need to vent) has had an effect for sure.
  11. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    I think that's a major problem with forums in general. Too small and nobody posts because they feel like nobody will read what they say, too large and it becomes very difficult to filter out the good from the the good wander off and it makes the situation worse.
  12. tslyon

    tslyon Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    vandenberg AFB
    Some things never change... HD, your post over there certainly got some people riled up. I think the difference between being critical and criticizing is a very fine line to walk, and some choose to do the latter. I am still interested what life in the Championship will look like...


  13. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Being one who used to practically live here, and who couldn't give a crap about any other Fulham site, other than wish 'em well...

    Sack Up!

    Let's go back more than a decade... the Offal {official message board.. imagine having to explain that} THRIVED on trolls, at least those who were good at it.. Remember Ostrich Watch?

    And if you look close at other fan sites, that's no accident. And it works if there is usable content besides.
    Heather Darlin' you've sorta hit on it, as I would expect. Here's the thing. People who THINK can separate the good and bad.

    If you have an opinion on anything AND you are confident you've thought it out... who gives a F00k if no one else agrees! Never stopped me. Because I KNOW I am right, until someone convinces me otherwise. Then I'll say so. But I'll be right more than I'm wrong. And reading through the old archive proves my point.

    So, Don... you just keep doing what you do on FoF. Everyone else shut up about where other people post, unless it's to GENUINELY make fun of them. If there's something good and snark worthy going on, bring it back here. But be prepared to be made fun of, in return.

    Cant believe people who think conflict and contention is a bad thing. Noticed the same thing on Crew Message board. Mods got tired of editing constant snark and jawboning and so killed the politics thread. And name calling, no matter it was done affectionately or not.
    ALMOST made Bill Archer want to go away. Well, he's still there and they brought back the politics subforum. So now I can -again- manage to give a crap about reading the Crew forum.

    Want all goodness and huggy-kissy light... go to facebook and only friend grandparents over 55. You can 'share this if you're a good person' all you want. { I ignore that crap on my FB. Unless I'm asked why I don't care... then I say my only alternative is to block or unfriend.}

    You all didn't ask.. but I say so anyway.
    If you don't get the connection I feel sorry for you. Learn to think and associate concepts. Adversity and contention brings growth. Singlemindedness and agreement leads to slow death.

    And while I'm on the subject, the Facebook group does no favors for this site. I Do not have an alternative to suggest but can tell you this.. dilution is not a good thing.
  14. tslyon

    tslyon Member

    Dec 9, 2009
    vandenberg AFB

    I hope my post was taken for what it was; a criticism of the responses HD received about his post. It was in no way a condemnation of his input or opinions. It was more of a commentary on what I see as a decline of individual thought and the rise of people not being able to accept critical posts. If I sent the impression it was anything other than that, please chalk it up to my limited vocabulary and poor interpersonal skills.


  15. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    please, don't try to parse what Pettyfog says. For all any of us knows, he might have been praising you.

    Your opinion is valued and you don't need to explain yourself, not to me and certainly not to P-fog.
  16. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Arrgghhhhhhhhhh!!!! Well,maybe I didnt connect dots and make it clear I was of the same opinion... becuase it never entered my mind you were 'criticiizing his opinions'.. and SO WHAT if you were!!!! Point was who gets the right to tell people where they should or shouldn't post. If they do criticize, it should be in fun.
    And quit apologizing.
    THAT is exactly what I'm talking about, above.
    What he said... except I haven't evaluated your opinions as a whole, so I cant yet say I value them. I do appreciate your presence and participation, as to opinion everyone has one.
    Don..What do you mean 'certainly not..'
  17. AggieMatt

    AggieMatt Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    Alamo City, Texas
    I do.

    It is.

    I know a lot of you know this, but for those who do not, Don and I are friends. We met through this site because of Fulham back in 2007. We live within 10 minutes of each other and get together and talk regularly. Like most guys, good natured ribbing is a part of our friendship. Nothing more to it than that.
  18. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Ditto AggieMatt... it all comes down to that. I have the same rights, even if I never met Don in person. Best analogy of a MB/forum is a bar at Happy Hour or waterhole on a Friday or Saturday nite.
    Still trying to work out the custom of making the new guy buy a round...
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