Mitro out for 8 matches

Discussion in 'Fulham FC News and Notes' started by SoCalJoe, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. SoCalJoe

    SoCalJoe Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Walnut, CA
    Ugh. He deserved more then the 3, but 5 or 6 seems like the proper punishment. Does Kane (who deserved a red yesterday instead of a yellow), Haaland, Rashford, (Hell Bruno Fernandez did something very similar and didn’t even get a card) get that much for doing the same thing? Hate coming across as the small-club guy whining about the preferential treatment the big clubs get, but…
    nevzter likes this.
  2. stlouisbrad

    stlouisbrad Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    I'm ok with the 8 games. I hope he actually learns a lesson from this. He won't but I can dream.
  3. MicahMan

    MicahMan Administrator

    Mar 4, 2014
    Mitrovic did something like Fernandez, but a little harsher since he spun the ref around and it was the ref he did this to - the guy with the cards. But then after the red he kept going and going - poking and getting in the ref's face. So the red card was for the initial shoulder block, then he got three more games tacked on for continuing to get physical with the ref, and he got an additional two for "abusive, insulting and threatening" language. I haven't seen anyone do what he did. He got what he deserved for his wildly inappropriate behavior. Thank goodness this doesn't doom Fulham to relegation.

    Silva will also serve an additional two-match ban.
    astroevan likes this.
  4. astroevan

    astroevan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Virginia Beach
    Some people need to just learn when to shut up. You aren't going to change the ref's mind about previous calls by constantly getting in his face. There are a couple of guys in my Sunday rec league that are the same way. Bitching, moaning, and yelling well after the missed/awarded foul. Sometimes it gets to the point that everyone else on the pitch starts yelling at the complainer to drop it.

    Mitro takes a lot of abuse from defenders (he gives a lot too) and there are times that I'm surprised he doesn't get more riled, but running and yelling at the ref during every stoppage is going to end up having the opposite effect. Regardless of all that though, you should never touch an official. I'm not sure why Mitro expected the ref to stop and listen to his arguments about a non-call earlier in the game.

    I suppose now we'll see what Silva can come up with tactically to offset the loss of Mitro. Clearly we don't have a good replacement for him.
  5. MicahMan

    MicahMan Administrator

    Mar 4, 2014
    It turns out the FA thinks the 8 and 2 match bans for Mitrovic and Silva are insufficient and they are appealing to get more games tacked on. I was surprised that there could be a result from this that the FA would find insufficient, but apparently they weren't happy with the outcome and want more.
  6. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Mitro exploded like he did because the ref had been shit during that match, and had been shit in matches for Fulham previously. It's funny that a legitimate call was the straw that broke the camel's back. It doesn't excuse the outburst, and he's paid handsomely to control his emotions, but I understand why he lost it....
    And the FA can #@##* off.
  7. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    disproportionate punishment -- imagine United being punished this much had the jersies been swapped

    also, how does the FA have the power to fine and suspend beyond their match? Is the Premier League a subordinate body to the FA?

    all of this, by the way, while Brentford continues to field a player who has already been convicted of self-acknowledged crimes over multiple seasons
  8. timmyg

    timmyg Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2006
    Or if his name was Alex Mitrosmith (ok ok bad attempt at an English surname but you get my point!)
    nevzter likes this.
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