2018 UEFA Champions League Final

Discussion in 'Prem talk, Those Other Leagues, and International' started by jumpkutz, May 27, 2018.

  1. jumpkutz

    jumpkutz Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2011
    Louisville, KY
    Caught a good chunk of it after calming down a bit from the doings at Wembley. The entire complexion of the match changed when Salah went out. Watched Ramos' s challenge on him numerous times, and there just wasn't enough there for me to warrant a card or ill will. Still, there were some minor actions toward the end of the play that one could deem unnecessary. Scousers still had their chances, but when your keeper basically gifts someone two goals, that's tough. And if I were Ramos, I'd be getting with Salman Rushdie on how to arrange personal security.
    encorespanish and SoCalJoe like this.
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