Drug Cheats in Track

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by dcheather, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    I'm probably in the minority when it comes to following Track in the US. But I came across these two articles, and thought that Darren Campbell needed a pat on the back! I wish there were more athletes like him in the professional sporting world.

    Darren's article

    Then there is Marion Jones. Who has been picked to represent the US State Department abroad. :evil:


    Just stop the lying, Marion. You'll never know that, because you were able to train longer and harder than everybody else in your field. I can't believe she has been chosen to represent the US in some capacity.
  2. VegasJustin

    VegasJustin New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    I am the typical fan that doesn't care if athletes use drugs. I know Griffey never used, but would I have cared if he did? No. I applaud those who take the high road, but wont blacklist somebody the rest of their life if they were doping.
  3. Clevelandmo

    Clevelandmo Active Member

    Sep 13, 2007
    Yeah, seriously bad choice in choosing Marion Jones and I dont care what spin you put on it,

    Coming back from adversity? You mean serving jail time? Is that really adversity or just the logical result of cheating and then lying about it many times? Surely they could find someone better.
  4. sullytex

    sullytex Member

    Nov 15, 2008
    Houston, TX
    I grew up running middle distance but by association, I love athletics in general. I have tickets to the London games next year. I absolutely hate, hate drug users. I could go on for day's on this. I am a purist and just want to see what human athletes can do without enhancement. The lines are tough to draw, is Gatorade really natural? Is Goo? Powerbars? It ain't easy but there are some things you know are just wrong like roids and hgh etc...
  5. dcheather

    dcheather Administrator

    Jul 29, 2005
    I grew up running middle distance too. I love the 800 and 1500 meter races, both to run and watch the pros. I am jealous of your tickets Sully. I would love to see Bernard Lagat run in person before he retires. I absolutely love his stride and it's amazing to see he still has a pretty darn good kick after 35.

    And you are a complete purist if you believe gatorade and goo are performance enhancing! They may not be natural ingredients, but they're supposed to replenish the natural substances found in the human body that are lost after or during a vigorous workout or race...not really performance enhancing but a necessity. Although you could use other natural means...it's just not very convenient. Who wants to carry bananas, bagels, salt, and water, etc. on them when they run 10+ miles? A packet of goo is much easier.
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