More Bad News for 'Populist Progressives'

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pettyfog, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    The Surge is working.. you'd think that would be GOOD news for Dems, as it's what they clamored for as long as they thought Dubya would never do it... but will they remember to take credit, after they declared it a failure before it started? My bet- Yes.

    NOAA caught letting temp station data be coerced to reflect 'warming' THEN trying to cover it up. And NASA '1998 is warmest year on record' evidence is wrong
    and of course no one has YET explained how CO2 can push global warming from behind if they are chained.

    Of course, bloggers have dug up repeated statements by Hillary on redistributing wealth.. I'll furnish the links to the things but some of you wont believe them anyway.

    Polls show job approval for Congress at more than 20 points behind Dubya.. 14%!

    Part due to Conserv's forgiving Dubya for Harriet Meiers, Dubai Ports and Immigration bill. {and from my POV for being a lousy communicator}

    And part of the 14% is from left loonies wanting Dubya impeached, as well.

    Oh... and the most prestigious Liberal/Progressive print pub {The National Review} gets their GLASS SHATTERED again!
    Another phony made-up feature found out.
  2. pettyfog

    pettyfog Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    RE: More Bad News for

    And of course, Vermont now populated with intellectual {and wannabe intellectual} hippies want to secede... and no one cares.
    In fact many of us conservs WANT them to. Wouldnt it be nice if they declared themselves an independent duchy.. however, I'd want a wall built. Free passage back and forth but passport and visa needed. And NO H-11 work permits granted.

    Let 'em write and grow organic grapes for a living
  3. nevzter

    nevzter Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    A City by a Bay
    Re: RE: More Bad News for

    Nice one, 'fog.
  4. jaxcottager

    jaxcottager New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
    Jacksonville, Florida
    Great stuff fogg.
  5. HatterDon

    HatterDon Moderator

    Mar 18, 2006
    Peoples Republic of South Texas
    A break from my self-imposed moratorium on political commentary; I'll be back on that horse out of town as soon as I post this, but this thread is such unmitigated crap that somebody has to say something:

    Well, of course it's working. EVERYTHING this administration has done has worked just the way they explained that it would. Of course, the explanation keeps changing constantly as each becomes discredited until one can be settled on and, when that's questioned, Tony Snow calls it old news and moves on. But I'll play with you 'fog. HOW is the surge working?

    Insurgency on the run? Peace talks between Shia and Sunni on the horizon? Terrorist training camps closing? Missing billions in cash/oil/weapons discovered? Iraqi Army standing up so we can stand down?

    Naw, I didn't think so. I guess that the ONLY proof that the insurgency is working is that the Iraqi parliament is back at their little individual Crawford ranches playing with brush and holding hands with Saudis for a month.

    Oh, and about the New Republic reporter -- and, of course, you've only told about 1/3rd of that story -- it's a shame that he's a soldier out fighting in the field. If he were only a gay male hooker with no press experience at all, the administration could hire him as a softball pitcher with the White House Press Corps. [glass houses, 'fog]

    There; I feel all better now. Back to football -- COYW!!!!

    Oh, and I apologize for hurting the war effort and helping the terrorists for criticizing the president and/or the administration.
  6. Spencer

    Spencer Active Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Its working is it? According to who? Besides you that is fog, and Tony Snow of course.

    Remember Kurdistan that bastion of Democracy, safety, capitalism, and all things right, the one feather in our cap. Well things are going pear shaped. Heres the latest;

    I hope the surge is working. We've screwed that country, its people, and ourselves so badly that anything we can do to improve the situation is a very good thing. However I suspect an amount of premature optimism and serious spin here. Correct me if I am wrong but the original plan was to clear out all regions/provinces by a certain date. Along the way we had targets "this many provinces by this date". As of now we have not come close to meeting any of those original targets. Meanwhile the basic services such as electricity, and water supplies are bellow prewar levels five years on despite our constant effort and endless dollars invested.

    It seems the administration is willing to interpret anything that isn't a complete and blazing failure as a success. I want to repair the country the best we can but the Iraqi parliament has its head so far up its ass that real progress is impossible. Split the country up NOW, three ways. Anyone else got a better plan. If its the status quo then forget it, lets get out now.
  7. kwdawson

    kwdawson New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
    Spring Hill, Florida
    According to the "no spin" channel. :wink:
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